Jeanine Work At A Manager Jill For A Raise Case Study Essay

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Scenario Jeanine works at a day care “A Place of Our Own” for over 11years. It is a private school. It used to be a great place to work. They were given raises annually, bonuses and extra time off. The company even sent their entire staff on a cruise to Cajun, all expenses paid. The manager, Jill use to be a servant and transactional leader but now her position has changed to authoritarian. The employee’s moral was great, they thought they would work there until they retired. Within the past year six employees have quit. Jeanine is working in two positions and longer hours. She is tired, angry, and do not feel appreciated. She needs a raise now or she may quit.
Case study
This paper will discuss how Jeanine should negotiate with her manager Jill for a raise. It will also discuss how Jeanine’s manager should negotiate with Jeanine to give her the raise she deserves. There are two conflict styles involved, man verses self and man verses society. The leadership style is servant, parental and authoritarian. The negotiation method is integrative.
Jeanine’s conflict is man verses society and man verses self. She is passionate about her job and the people she work with. She is a servant and parental leader. She always focus on the growth and well-being of the children and staff. She seems to take care of everyone but …show more content…

If she applies the strategies and tactics recommended she should have no problem negotiating for a raise. Everyday negotiation take place on many levels. Negotiation is a central part of life at work. The outcome of any negotiation is a function of the process used to get there. She needs to step back and gain perspective of the situation. Through mutual inquiry, people learn from their negotiations and carry these lessons into the future. It is not easy to negotiate for a raise but if both parties can find a common ground the outcome can be a win-win (Greer, C.R. & Plunkett,

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