Different aspects of plagiarism and why is it ethically and morally wrong especially for anyone seeking a higher education Master’s Degree.
Viplav Kumar Gunda
Campbellsville University
What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism means taking away some others thoughts or reproducing another words from an article or a research paper, it may be word document, audio type or video type it may be of any kind of thing which may be considered as plagiarism. As per as I’m concerned plagiarism may be an offense by the fallowing factors
1) Copying of some ones idea or some ones interest
2) Some ones idea is taken and cannot accept or mention their names.
3) A crime of stealing the authors
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The plagiarism is also shown in different ways as changing the words or synonyms or representing the meaning in different ways of word framing or by using different way of changing the synonyms this sort of practice is also treated as plagiarism, and there is a also another way that plagiarism can be found is changing the words but keeping the structure of the sentence may also be treated as plagiarism this is because of the content you have chosen is the idea of the author or writer these is what call the thing as “stealing”, so as these practice also falls under the practice of plagiarism as mentioned above these are the factors that are causing plagiarism and well known as ‘act of …show more content…
Plagiarism is morally and ethically wrong, because when are writing an essay or an article we need to have an idea on the aspect which we are writing and as a part on information, we cite different sources to gain some knowledge or make clear note of and we need to be very clear and distinguish them from your source of idea. We must not mix up the source of idea from the cite source it is because the source you have cited is the idea of an individual and by mixing up the idea from his source and writing it in our words is “stealing”, As we change up the words and synonyms but the structure of the sentence remains constant this is because you are copying his idea of research this is an ‘act of fraud’ and not mentioning his name is a theft. As I would like to mention that doing these sort of practice is morally and ethically wrong in any point of view and should not be encouraged. The basic morality of writing an article or research paper should be of our own idea and view, this is place where you merely express your own views and marked as the author of the article so it is ethically and morally wrong in plagiarizing the
Plagiarism means to steal or borrow someone’s original ideas without their consent and labelling them your own. It can be done in different ways and has been labelled a serious offense in the contemporary world. Deriving ideas from an existing source in one’s work without citation of the work is a form of plagiarism. Also, using a production without crediting the source and committing literally theft are forms of plagiarism that can be charged in a court of law as copyright issues. It is considered fraud because it is stealing someone else’s work and making people to believe that it is your own. It is possible for different individuals to have similar ideas but the manner in which they are expressed cannot be the same. In writing
Plagiarism is the use of words or ideas of another person as if they were your own words or ideas (Merriam-Webster). Many colleges find plagiarism unacceptable and if caught, it usually results in being kicked out of that school. Plagiarism can be used on a number of things, including essays, newspapers, and magazine articles.
Plagiarism is a serious academic or professional offense that could, unfortunately, ruin one’s academic and professional success. A multitude of people within a student body may not understand the importance of plagiarism and the seriousness of this offense in one’s academic or professional life. As indicated by the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, the definition of “plagiarize”, is “to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own”, the definition also states to “use (another's production) without crediting the source” (“Plagiarizing”). There are several different types of plagiarism; however, each type is very serious. The Turnitin Plagiarism Spectrum is a beneficial website that explains ten different types of plagiarism
In conclusion, plagiarism is dishonest and should never be done no matter what. When you plagiarize, you are taking a risk and there are serious consequences.
Okay, let’s define what is plagiarism? According to (Plagiarism.org, 2014), “Many people think of plagiarism as copying another's work or borrowing someone else's original ideas”. But it also defined by Merriam- Webster online dictionary as using someone else’s work as your own, not giving credit to the source you got it from, and pretending that you created the idea. For example, you are researching information for an essay and you find an article that has exactly what you need. You decide to use the information as your own that is plagiarism. Another example is you use information from a website and you use some of it and not create a reference page to show that your information came from that source.
Plagiarism cannot not only be committed in writing research for academic purposes only, but can also be committed in areas of general writing such as in blogging or in song writing. A person who creates an idea or writes a work is the owner and originator of that work. This is the basic idea behind Copyright Laws. Copyright laws also cover such output as images and video clips. Reusing these ideas or words in one’s work without showing readers their source is tantamount to plagiarism.
Plagiarism is defined as an act of stealing or using another writer¡¦s ideas or words without that writer¡¦s permission or giving that writer credit for those ideas or words. It doesn¡¦t matter whether you copied an entire article or you just copied a sentence, without proper citation to show another writer¡¦s credit, you have committed a crime of stealing. Just like the ordinary law, it is not what or how much you have stole, it is the action and the intention of stealing.
When you hear the word plagiarism, what do you think it means? According to Google, plagiarism is “the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.” If I hadn’t quoted Google and cited them, that would have counted as plagiarism in itself! But that's just a blank definition, only telling you what it means, not necessarily how to avoid it. This is one reason why people plagiarize: some don't know that they are plagiarizing, when they actually are.
Plagiarism, conventionally defined as literary theft, is the stealing and replication of the original ideas of another person without requesting for consent or crediting the author of a recorded or authored work (Heath 4). It may take several forms, for example, presenting an idea as original even though it has been derived from an existing source, or even neglecting to put quotation marks when quoting a sentence from borrowed work. In as much as plagiarism is widely regarded as a bad practice, it is at times committed unintentionally. As a result, there is an anti-plagiarism policy in several academic institutions and heavy penalties are imposed on individuals involved in plagiarism.
plagiarizing, cutting corners, playing dirty, any way you put it, it is still just cheating. It is shameful for any person to do it, but why do some many of us still do it? You cannot even say that poor people, a certain race, or even criminals are the only ones that do it, because even the most worshiped celebrities, writers, and players even do it. Celebrities like Britney Spears, Jay-Z, and even Bob Dylan have all been sued for plagiarizing. Lance Armstrong was caught using steroids in a bicycle race.
Plagiarism is something that is not respected, condoned, or accepted in any part of the education process. Not only does it steal someone else’s work, but it robs students of the learning experience they can gain from assignments. Plagiarism is immoral and unethical. According to the dictionary, plagiarism is “The submission of material authored by another person being represented as a student’s own work,” whether that material is paraphrased, completely copied or fragmentally copied. Basically, plagiarism is “to take ideas or writings from another and pass them off as one’s own” (Webster’s New World Dictionary). Plagiarism has been around since humanities first words were written, making it is easy for students to turn to it. Students will
Plagiarism is when someone steals or copies someone else’s work without giving credit to the original owner. As soon as someone else’s work has been used citation is required in order to show that it is made by the original creator. There are many types of ways of plagiarism. Such as find-replace, 404 error, duplicate and hybrid.
In today’s busy world, timesavers help us to accomplish work and academic goals much quicker. But one should be cautious when using another’s ideas. Some shortcuts such as plagiarism, can have serious repercussions. Plagiarism To briefly define plagiarism; it is taking credit for words (written or spoken), as well as, drawings, graphs and charts, which were not originally created by you. Plagiarism is also not giving proper credit to the person’s works you are using.
Plagiarism is defined by UMUC (2006) as “the intentional or unintentional presentation of another person’s idea or product as one’s own. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to the following: copying verbatim all of part of another’s written work; using phrases, charts, figures, illustration, or mathematical or scientific solutions without citing the source; paraphrasing ideas conclusions or research without citing the source in the text and in reference lists; or using all or part of a literary ...
The true definition of plagiarism is “Using someone else’s ideas or phrasing and representing those ideas or phrasing as our own, either on purpose or through carelessness.”[2] There are many different ways of remedying this problem.