Incidents Of Workplace Falls In Canada

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In this assignment, I will be reflecting the risk of working at elevation and suggesting solutions, to reduce the incidents of workplace falls. In Canada, many industries are faced with a risk of workplace falls, due to a wide range of scenarios from daily work activities being performed, that will be discussed in this assignment. I personally had the opportunity to work in some of the different provinces across Canada, under a safety role and experienced firsthand, on how people handle working at heights. So with that being said, I will provide my view, to enlighten those with my intake on this subject.

As time progresses, as a workforce, we become more advanced and experienced in regards to working at heights, but yet, statistics indicate, …show more content…

For example, they must begin by identifying and evaluating applicable hazards then create a fall prevention program that is specific to their work activities and jurisdiction to ensure it is relevant when communicating it at company level. Employers must also have their best interest in fulfilling their legislative responsibilities and creating an open feedback culture, where workers do not feel intimidated to discuss their observations and suggestions. This can allow decision-makers in the company, to carry out any high-level action item that is required of them to eliminate or control falling …show more content…

They have communicated detailed regulations, guidelines, established general duties, created a contact line, performed site visits, fined and prosecuted companies and the list goes on. However, it all primarily falls back to the employer, supervisor and worker to reduce these type of incidents in joint efforts on the field. So in this case, I only have one suggestion for regulators. Get more support from associations since many companies want recognized safety programs. This can create an opportunity for audits to be much more stringent as far as compliance in a fall prevention program and more information communicated to stakeholders through training and newsletters.

I believe falling hazards remain a problem due to the complexity of these projects, worker’s behaviour and misjudgement. These factors become critical concerns when the employer does not have the proper planning and procedures in place, the supervisor and workers are not fully utilizing there training adequately and efforts are not being made to improve the program by all stakeholders. Many companies experience an incident of this nature when these factors take place, especially when control measures of the hazard is prolonged and neglected it becomes the norm and creates a negative

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