Prevention of Patient Falls

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Patient Falls Patient falls is one of the commonest events within the healthcare facilities that affect the safety of the patients. Preventing falls among patients requires various methods. Recognition, evaluation, and preventing of patient falls are great challenges for healthcare workers in providing a safe environment in any healthcare setting. Hospitals have come together to understand the contributing factors of falls, and to decrease their occurrence and resulting injuries or death. Risk of falls among patients is considered as a safety indicator in healthcare institutions due to this. Falls and related injuries have consistently been associated with the quality of nursing care and are included as a nursing-quality indicator monitored by the American Nurses Association, National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators and by the National Quality Forum. (NCBI) When taking steps to analyze and apply intervention strategies for falls, we must examine the factors that cause these occurrences. There are numerous reasons that falls occur, such as intrinsic and or extrinsic risk factors. Intrinsic risk factors for falls may be due to changes that are part of the normal aging process and acute or chronic conditions. According to Zheng, Pan and Hua et al. (2013), about 35-45 percent of individuals who are usually older than 65 years and other 50 percent of the elderly individuals report cases of fall every year. Extrinsic factors are those related to physical environment such as lack of grab bars, poor condition of floor surfaces, inadequate or improper use of assistive devices (Currie). Patient falls is not an easy thing to eliminate. With many clinical challenges, there’s no easy answer to the challenges posed by patient falls; howe... ... middle of paper ... ...ches indicate how nurses can ensure prevention and mitigation of the problems experienced due to falls. There are various strategies that can be used to enhance the safety of individuals from falls. In order to be able to deal with these issues within the healthcare facilities, nurses must be involved in the effective policy making so that the risks of patient falling can be amicably dealt with. On the other hand, the nurses must be placed at the forefront of the implementation process of the designed interventions. Leaders must engage the nurses in applying the evidence-based therapies so that they can ensure good safety for the patients. Nurses are important in ensuring advocacy, education and the management of the facility environment. The nurses will therefore apply various necessary interventions that guarantee safe environments for the patients and the nurses.

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