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Plagiarism and academic integrity
Plagiarism and its effects
Effect of plagiarism
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This paper examines the importance of plagiarism in educational programs in order to prevent and reduce the number of students practicing it. In a recent study that Logue (2004) conducted, he mentions that out of 1,000 non-nursing undergraduates at least half of them admitted of committing plagiarism throughout their school years (p. 41). Universities have now implemented plagiarism polices to educate and help students within their future careers. In fact, the nursing department has also implemented strict plagiarism policies to prevent future nurses from providing unethical healthcare. As Logue (2004) stated, "the temptation to take shortcuts to save time and effort can lead to plagiarism” (p. 40).
Plagiarism: Copy & Paste
In today’s world, many people use plagiarism without even noticing it. Many students cross over a point of plagiarizing their work with the access of internet making it quickly to copy and paste a work. There’s many ways in which plagiarism can be used as well as defined. Therefore, it is important for Universities and education programs such as nursing to enforce honor codes to help students become knowledgeable throughout their careers without the use of plagiarism.
Defining Plagiarism
Plagiarism can
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(2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Langone, M. (2007). Educational innovation. Promoting integrity among nursing students. Journal Of Nursing Education, 46(1), 45-47. Retrieved from http://www.healio.com/nursing/journals/jne
Logue, R. (2004). Plagiarism: the Internet makes it easy. Nursing Standard, 18(51), 40-43. Retrieved from http://rcnpublishing.com/journal/ns
Lovett-Hooper, G., Komarraju, M., Weston, R., & Dollinger, S. (2007). Is plagiarism a forerunner of other deviance? Imagined futures of academically dishonest students. Ethics & Behavior, 17(3), 323-336. Retrieved from
In the first place, writing at any level is a challenge. It is a process that requires active thinking as well as creativity. Equally important, is the drive to understand what is necessary to inform the reader when using someone else’s work. In his findings, Gabriel begins with examples of students that committed plagiarism in colleges both unknowingly and intentionally. After exploring the opinions of writing tutors and officials in these situations, he suggests that many students fail to realize that plagiarism is a crime (Gabriel). He relies on the expert opinions of educators who deal with these situations on a daily basis. One such opinion mentioned, is that of Teresa Fishman, the director for the Center of Academic Integrity at Clemson University (Gabriel). She stated, “It’s possible to believe this information is just out there for anyone to take” (qtd. in Plagiarism Lines). This is said in reference to how easy technology has made “copying” and “pasting” of information according to Gabriel. He visits both sides of the fence, so to speak, concerning the views...
The first thing observers will notice is the “readability issue” when they read George Brown College’s student code of conduct and discipline, in particular, the part of the definition of plagiarism. It is full of long and wordy sentences, which can make readers confused and disoriented. Seneca College’s academic honesty, on the contrary, has a highly ordered structure so that readers can see the flow of the rules. It is arranged in order that why the academic honesty policy has been written and what types of things might be regarded as academic honesty
The fact that plagiarism has become easier and benefits the students academically means that the temptation to cheat outweighs the consequences greatly. This reveals that the rules at Paloma Valley need reinforcement. Jennifer Dirmeyer along with Alexander Cartwright, authors of the article “Honor Codes Work Where Honesty
Great discussion on plagiarism! I like that you included creating documents with your own knowledge to avoid plagiarism. This reminded me of how some nurses copy other nurses documentation of a patient. This is a great example of how academic dishonesty can lead to nursing dishonesty. If you are copying someone's paper work on a patient, this is nursing dishonesty and can lead to a person losing their job. More importantly, this person is creating fraudulent documentation, much like plagiarism. This nurse is taking someone's work and passing it as their own. If a nurse or a student can create their own views and thoughts, academic and nursing integrity can be
Academic dishonesty, specifically cheating and plagiarism, recently has increased in popularity. Students often justify unethical academic behavior. Technological innovations, like the cellular telephone, have provided students with new methods of cheating. Plagiarism has also been influenced through technologies, specifically internet companies have emerged that provide unethical solutions to academic assignments.
From the information I gathered for this paper, plagiarism is a bigger problem than we all think. As far as I can tell plagiarism has been around since the existence of reading and writing. Our human race sure hasn't helped this matter by inventing the printing press in the late fifteen-century and the Internet in the late twentieth century. Plagiarism gets most of its press in the realm of education, particularly in places of higher education. Aside from the information I attained threw traditional research, I poled a few students here at Lake Superior State University. I got this idea from some of the articles I read. I read this one article that was about a professor that said she estimated that 17% of the papers students turned in to her were plagiarized. Those were the ones that she was actually sure about. So when I did my pole I asked students if they had plagiarized a paper this semester. The overwhelming response was...I plagiarize all my papers. A whopping 100% of the students I talked to plagiarized this semester and as far as I can tell, every semester. No, this was not a scientific study, but it sure was shocking. It is my guess that some of these people are ignorant, but a majority of them are lazy. In the rest of my paper I will explain plagiarism in its many forms, discuss how the Internet has affected academic integrity, and highlight some of the ways teachers and professors are detecting and combating this problem known as plagiarism.
This essay appeals to colleges and universities all over the United States. Most, if not all, colleges have problems with plagiarism on campus. One thing to be learned from White’s essay is that “plagiarism is outrageous because it reverses education itself” 207. Colleges and universities need to “make academic honesty not only the best, but the only possible policy” (White 206). Both faculty and students need to work together to rid these institutions of such immoral behavior as plagiarism.
Studies show that students across America are slowly resorting cheating to pass their courses in both high school and college courses. Due to this increase in cheating and plagiarism many schools are working to find a solution to the problem. In “Plagiarism in America”, Dudley Erskine Devlin proposes a solution that he believes has the potential to create a major drop in the occurrence of cheating. Devlin proposes an end to plagiarism through the creation of strict rules, punishments, and the use of surveillance. Although his solution is well thought and has a great deal of accuracy behind it, the proposition has major fallacies that could hinder the growth of the American educational system.
Plagiarism, or the unaccredited use of another's work or ideas, has become more and more of a problem in recent times than it was in the past. According to statistics found in a survey conducted by the Free Press, 58% of high school students let someone copy their work in 1969, but by 1989 this number had risen to 97%. The expansion of the World Wide Web and the number of people accessing the Web on a regular basis has caused an epidemic of plagiarism in this country, especially among students. This is a serious problem that must be addressed because many students feel that if they are not getting in trouble for cheating, than it is okay.
Cheating on academic work is a serious issue that most students admit to doing at some point in their academic career. Elite students are surprisingly the culprits of cheating, but hide it well. (Romm, para 5) Cheating is such a large issue that “70% of students from a sample of 1,800 from nine campuses said they had cheated at least once during their college careers.” (Schneider, para 9) Students cheat on academic work because of different, ongoing pressures in their lives. Understanding the student’s motives and pressures are essential to preventing cheating from occurring in the future. Students cheat for different reasons specific to them regarding their priorities, pressures and because of how easy it has become. Even though eliminating cheating will not happen, there are actions that educational professionals can and should take to prevent most of it from happening so often. Therefor cheating problems are minimized and have a positive impact on the student’s education and understanding of concepts.
Jones, D. R. (2011). Academic Dishonesty: Are More Students Cheating?. Business Communication Quarterly, 74(2), 141-150. Retrieved from EBSCOhost
Academic Integrity As defined in the dictionary, plagiarism is “to take someone else’s ideas, words, etc. and use them as one’s own”. Just like the source of this definition is mentioned here, it is very important for everyone to quote the original sources of any material they use for their own reports, essays or any piece of writing. If they fail to do so, then it will be termed as “plagiarism”. Previously students used to copy paragraphs from a range of scholarly journals or books, which was very time consuming. However, since the last few years, with the increasing popularity of the Internet, plagiarism has become easier for the students but a grave matter for the college and university teachers and professors. (Susan, 2004) It has been witnessed that just by clicking a few links on the internet websites, students come up with brilliant essays that have been cut and pasted within a couple of minutes. The teachers cannot often trace the source of the material and end up giving undeserving credit to the student for someone else’s work. Although, the act of plagiarism is carried out by the professional people as well, emphasis should be given on the college going students so that they should know the consequences of such an act at the initial years of their learning process. The teachers should educate the young minds about plagiarism, both what it is and the penalties about it. (Patrick, 2005) Always remind the students the right ethical behavior they need to have in every field of life. They should ask the students to mention their work procedure if they carried out a research at the end of each paper they submit. If they have used some information from another source as it is, they should include quotation marks and inform th...
This has led to many peoples’ educational and professional reputations being destroyed. Despite the fact that plagiarism is banned in both college and university, it has not stopped students from attempting it. In a study of 71,300 undergraduate students conducted by Dr. Donald McCabe and the International Center for Academic Integrity, they found that 62% of students admitted to cheating on written assignments. This is problematic because plagiarising in university almost always results in failure or expulsion. Professors might either fail the student in the class or go as far as having them expelled from the school, as most universities do not tolerate any form of plagiarism. This will ruin the student’s reputation because if they are caught plagiarising, it will go on their record and from there, no other university will accept them and their educational advancement will be delayed. In extreme cases, it could also cost people job opportunities. Plagiarism can have a devastatingly negative effect on someone’s
Plagiarism is a very serious issue and should not be tolerated. The reasons that I stated in this paper are just a few examples. If our society would just take a step back and look at some of the reasons why this is happening, then I think that we would be able to reduce the amount of plagiarism being committed greatly. The education system should be the first place to look for answers toward stopping this crime. We should all look at what our younger generation is doing and how they are responding to doing work at a young age. Encouraging a good work ethic is the key to stopping plagiarism.
Plagiarism is a serious offense and a growing trend in our society today. Some may associate plagiarism with the idea of taking someone else’s writing and making it their own. In fact plagiarism involves anything that is copied or taken and said to be of your own work. Dictionary.com defines plagiarism as “the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work, as by not crediting the author”. In fact this definition covers all types of cheating and misrepresentation of ones own work. There are many numbers and statistics that can be found on the amount of individuals that have admitted to cheating. Perhaps the most astounding number is one that was reported by Moeck in 2002 aloft of 40% of higher education students commit academic dishonesty. This number I’m sure has grown since this report and will continue to grow with the development of the Internet. There are a number of ideas and strategies that can be employed in order to stop this ever-growing phenomenon. As teachers and adults, we are responsible for stopping this trend and educating students about the consequences and dangers of plagiarism. I believe there are a variety of reasons individuals plagiarize. First, students are insecure with their own ability; they don’t believe they can do the work therefore they take others. Second, students believe they can get away with the act because they know others who have plagiarized, and there were not any consequences. Lastly, students are uneducated on what plagiarism is and do not know the consequences of their actions if they commit an act. These ideas will be the focus of the position taken on plagiarism in today’s academic society.