Importance Of Homework Essay

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“Some learning theorists claim that homework could be detrimental to students' mental health” (Ascd. org).

The immense amount of homework is not allowing kids to be kids. Pressure for good grades and getting into college is at an all time high. More and more teens are suffering from depression and anxiety, are commiting suicide, and even killing others.

Although homework helps to reinforce skills learned in school, teachers should not assign homework, because teens need family time and time for extracurricular activities and homework puts unnecessary stress on parents
Homework helps to reinforce skills learned in school, however, kids need to spend quality time with their families and homework gets in the way.
“Studies show that when families spend quality time together, the chance of children getting involved …show more content…

You start school at eight and go home at three. That’s a full day of school. Most adults work similar lengths of time at work and come home exhausted”.
This shows that kids are tired after school, parents are tired after work and when they come home, they just want to relax, after a long day.
This is important because kids and parents need to refresh their brain and restore power for the next day.
Homework places additional burdens on parents - who often don’t know how to help their children anyway - and on teachers, who have enough to do without having to collect, mark, and redistribute extra work for their students on top of that required by the curriculum in schools (Justin Coulson).
This shows that when parents come home from work and their child comes home from school, parents already have worked a full day and helping their kids with homework becomes another job.
It is important because Homework is not only stressful for kids but parents as well. Families can not enjoy their free time as much as they wish they could.

After a long day at work and school the last thing families need is more work, and

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