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Digital communication is the electronic exchange of information through various media. I am growing up in a quickly advancing digital world where technology has had major effects on society. Anyone who has grown up in the 21st century has always had technology in their life whether through cell phones, television, computers or game systems. The use of social media outlets to communicate with others has been a highlight among the 21st generation and is a major method of communication in today’s society. through the use of websites, audio, video, text, and animated multimedia.The best parts of digital communication and its assets are improvements to interpersonal communication, relationships and health care.
One way technology has changed
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They now don’t use words to communicate with their fellow peers and friends. Every person who texts uses emojis, which are pictures that represent different emotions or words. You also abbreviate words like BRB meaning Be Right Back. Teens do not like to waste time. They like to get the words written down in the text message as fast as they can. Professor Vyv Evans from Bangor University found that 72% of 18-25 year olds sometimes find it easier to communicate their feelings and thoughts using emojis rather than words. They use emojis to show their feeling because a simple text message does not show how you feel. The picture shows an emotion. Words can’t show emotions. They just show how you are feeling not what you are feeling. Text message or SMS messaging were only just recently invented. The first SMS message was sent by a computer to a phone on December 3, 1992 by a 22-year-old Canadian test engineer that said “It read Merry Christmas” and Richard Jarvisand recieved the …show more content…
It has provided medical providers more tools for research, treatment and data collection. It is very uncommon to visit a provider nowaday that is not using some type of handheld device to download important medical information to share with their patients. Doctors are now able to look up patient’s medications, needs and/or history of medical conditions in a flash. They are also able to contact the closest hospital that can care for their patients that may need special medical treatment. Also, patients have more accessible and improved treatment options. Patients can contact their doctors if they are having any kind of health problem and access services at any time. If there were no phones, how could people contact their 911 emergency services? If an older gentleman was having a heart attack and needed emergency services in 1950, he would not have been as likely to have survived the heart attack. Just think about how many people would be dead right now if there were less advanced communication methods. On the other hand, such advanced technology can affect your health. It has made people lazy. Most teenagers would rather watch television or use their phone to watch a movie or play a game. All that time that is spent staring at a screen affects your eyes and can make you tired and stressed. Kids now spend less time outside and exercising because there are so many things
Sure cell phones make life easier. No longer do we have to call someone to convey a message, just send a text. It’s convenient to be able to call a number and have the person you're looking for pick up, kind of like a direct line. It Takes out the anxiety of wanting to call someone, but being afraid their parents or siblings, or even their significant other will pick up. Many people are getting rid of landline phones all together because everyone in the family has a cell phone. They are like a handheld person assistant. We can set alarms, set appointmen...
In 2005 the first Black Berry with WiFi was released. One of the first smart phones was the Nokia N95. It had WiFi, a touchscreen and some apps. Then in 2008 the iPhone 3G was released. You could get apps, use a calculator, check calendar, take pictures, call, text, take notes and so much more. Now our phones are very light, and we can do many things with them. You can listen to music or podcast, use social media or play games. Cell phones have also changed our language. Thanks to texting, there are many abbreviations that exist. At first, you could only type 160 characters per text. This caused people to start using abbreviations to use less characters. They also began skipping punctuation. This method became very popular and is commonly used today. The 160 character limit does not exist anymore, but text speak is still very popular. Emojis have also become very popular. Emojis began in 1999 in Japan. To save character limits, they began sending pictures. They only used one character which saved a lot of space. Now, emojis are a new way of communication. Some people only chat through emojis. Some people believe that this could be a new language in the future. Another way cell phones changed the world was that they were
Using teenagers for example, finds it hard to fit into social event because they spend most of their time texting and using emoticons to express their feelings without ever altering a word. When this environment changes, it becomes impossible for these expressions to be put in real life and present an intellectual and meaningful conversation within a group of people.
Digital communication has evolved in such a rapid time. Some say that it is bad, others say it is good, and other say it can be good and bad. In Gerald Graff’s and Cathy Birkenstein’s book, They Say/I say, they have a chapter that talks about digital communication. They talk about the pros and cons on it as well. Digital communication is destroying young user’s ability to communicate but it also is helping spread viral memes quickly, and bringing people together.
“We barely have time to pause and reflect these days on how far communicating through technology has progressed. Without even taking a deep breath, we’ve transitioned from email to chat to blogs to social networks and more recently to twitter” (Alan 2007). Communicating with technology has changed in many different ways. We usually “get in touch” with people through technology rather than speaking with them face to face. The most popular way people discuss things, with another individual, is through our phones. Phones have been around way before I was born in 1996, but throughout the years, they have developed a phone called a “smart phone”. The smart phone has all kinds of new things that we can use to socialize with our peers. On these new phones, we can connect with our friends or family on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Technology has also developed Skype, a place you can talk with people on the computer with instant voice and video for hours. The new communication changes have changed drastically from the new advances made in technology through our smart phones, social networking sites, and Skype.
Phones have changed over the past twenty years and have had a positive and negative effect on people. Man kind as find many ways to communicate and stay connected with each other and the most common way is by a cellphone. Phones Cellphones have become one apart of our daily lives and some people just cannot live without them. In fact people use them more like computes than an actual phone itself. Most people let their phones control their lives and if their not carful it could have some serious consequences. Phones continue to get more and more advanced as time moves forward. However, in the beginning phones had a tough time getting out to the public however, if it was not for the first step into technology we would not have the phones we have today.
In the past decade, technology brings huge impacts on social interaction. From phone call to facetime, from blog to Facebook. Advance technology enables us to reach and communicate with people in a more convenient and broad way, no matter how far these people are away from us. Medium of communication are growing. However, some old ways of communications never fade out. And I am going to talk about
Communication plays an important role and becomes an essential part in our daily lives. Today we have taken communication to new level as social media and social networking. They have had a tremendous impacts on the word, on our culture and in business as well. Social media websites are some of the most popular on the internet, such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. They are the places where people can interact with others easily and expose themselves to strangers. Our generation and the younger ones have more opportunities to grow up with the new development of technology that will shape the way they live of communicating and sharing ideas. The social media causes some problems that lead to less social interaction and negatively affect students academic, but it also brings benefit to people that creates new social connections to bring people from all over the world to be closer.
With 80% of Americans using internet, and that 80% spending an average of 17 hours a week online (each), according to the 2009 Digital Future Report, we are online more than ever before. People can't go a few hours let alone a whole day without checking their emails, social media, text messages and other networking tools. The average teen today deals with more than 3,700 texts in just a month. The use of technology to communicate is making face to face conversations a thing of the past. We have now become a society that is almost completely dependent on our technology to communicate. While technology can be helpful by making communication faster and easier, but when it becomes our main form of conversation it becomes harmful to our communication and social skills. Technological communication interferes with our ability to convey our ideas clearly. Technology can harm our communication skills by making us become unfamiliar with regular everyday human interactions, which can make it difficult for people to speak publicly. Technology can also harm our ability to deal with conflict. These days it is easier to h...
...r phones update our minds suffer another loss. People are slowly losing their independence to think for themselves and the ability to rely on their own intelligence instead of a computer`s. When this happens, it can endanger the proper development of the personality and hamper the social relationships needed for life together in society. The more we succumb towards technology, the less personality we are capable of retaining. It`s come to the point that the smaller our devices get, the smaller our brains get as well. Technology has vastly improved over just a short amount of time, and societies` dependence on it is strengthened more and more with every day that passes. Yes, it makes life "easier", but the easy way out isn`t always the best way. People don`t just depend on their technology for help anymore. It has come to the point where they depend on it to survive.
Finally, cellular phones have also affected our lives and the media. What would the world do without cellular phones? The real question is what would I do without my cell phone? People are using these devices to talk all day without actually saying a single word. Isn't that just amazing? You can do more with a phone now than ever before. You can lie in bed all day and accomplish as much stuff with just your phone as if you went into your office and used your computer.
Social media can be used in our days as a very helpful tool for many things in changing any person’s life ant attitude. It has a positive impact on the society level. These media will keep the person socially active and open to all what happened in the world. Sharing the latest news, photos, finding new friends and knowing the culture. Also, it allows for millions to keep in touch with each other and update for all the new technology. And, it helps people who have difficulties in communication with others to be more socialized and stronger and develop more confidence to feel more comfortable, protected and relaxed just sitting behind a screen. “It saved me time and money without ever requiring me to leave the house; it salvaged my social life, allowed me to conduct interviews as a reporter and kept a lifeline open to my far-flung extended family” says Leonard(231).
One of the main reasons why social media has positively affected our society is because of how it has made communicating with people much easier. “Today, four out of five active internet users maintain at least one social media profile” (Moe, 3). Using these websites, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and etc., people talk about everything with anyone from what they are planning to do, also what they are eating and much more (Moe, 24). Also we can also send private messages to other users of these websites about personal m...
In recent years, technology has become the most used and preferred way of communicating, extending across many platforms. All of these programs, such as e-mail, instant messaging, social networking websites in conjunction with text messaging and the ability to access all of these entities on the go, have come into fruition based on the immense and widely found growth made in technological advancements that have occurred in our society. With this, a massive change has developed in regards to referencing how we as humans engage in communication. We have now shifted into a society that relies heavily on the existence of digital communication, whether it be through the means of a mobile device (text messaging) or the Internet (Facebook, Twitter,
The social media is one of the most common means of communication and pretty much of knowing anything and everything around the world these days, and it is growing very rapidly. It changes and affects each person in a different way, or ways. Some may argue that social media has a bad influence on children and young adults, while most people see that the social media has a more positive effect on them than a negative one. Social media is basically the new way of keeping in touch with everything and everyone, and of even strengthening bonds between each other. This essay will argue that social media has improved communication between people, and has also improved the means of communication between them.