If A Journey Doesnt Have Something To Teach You About Yourself

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There is a quote from Kira Salak who said: “If a journey doesn't have something to teach you about yourself, then what kind of journey is it?” What does that quote mean? What Kira means by a journey is by either a physical, spiritual, or mental journey. These journeys can show people who they really are if they think that they know themselves well and they actually did not. They gain their knowledge about themselves. That information can be especially important to them in areas like a job. Now, the important question is: how do people gain personal insights about themselves in their mental journey of getting to know who they are?

People can gain personal insights is by experience. When teenagers have temptations to do something else that is foolish, they sometimes cave into it. They may something foolish that they will definitely regret. Teenagers usually do things like that because of peer pressure. On the other hand, there are some teens who choose to do the right thing. A best way to describe them is how Mary Oliver describes decisions. She describes it in this way: “One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice.” Those teenagers who make …show more content…

Like for example, when people have tried food in their lifetime, then they would have an idea as to what kind of food that they like to eat. The same is true with hobbies. According to what Griffin says: “We tend to dismiss reasons that are emotional.” So this goes to show that people think that when someone recommends something to them that the really like, then they may think that it is biased. It is actually based on whether or not they have tried it. Then when they take the indicative to try that other activity, then they may like it. That is another way as to how they get to know about themselves. Yet, there is final way as to how they get to know about

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