Human Computer Interaction is an emerging field that encompasses computer science along with cognitive science, psychology, artificial intelligence, industrial design and human factors engineering. A few decades back the field was confined to personal productivity applications. However, now it has diversified and includes aspects as varied as information systems, visualization, system development process and collaborative systems. The researchers in this field find novel ways and technologies that can facilitate better interface between humans and computers and hence lead to positive outcomes. On an individual level, I tend to figure out how people react to various things in any field, it’s like a hobby that has intrigued me for a long time …show more content…
I started as an absolute beginner and when I learned more about the job I started thoroughly enjoying it. The work was aimed at identifying threats and assessing the damage they were likely to cause, tagging and eliminating them. To execute my job responsibilities well, I started learning fundamentals of Linux. Within a week, I developed a strong grasp on the basic commands that could be used on the terminal. I started using another Linux distribution, Kali Linux. Thus, I learned a lot about cyber security and ethical hacking. Deeply intrigued with these fields, I undertook in-depth research on them. The internship was useful to learn how real …show more content…
The core courses will help me strengthen my knowledge and competencies needed to design and implement interactive computing systems that benefit humans. The flexibility of the program will allow me choose electives that matches my interest. The elective, Designing User Experiences for Internet-enabled Devices has captivated me the most. I find user interface enhancement, game designing, creating rich multimedia experiences and mobile application development really interesting and I also find the courses related to website development enthralling. I aspire to acquire the ability to understand human psyche and how humans react to new methods of technology. The program will give me platforms to explore these areas of my
The chart depicted below shows the scope and sequence plan for a 200-hour Information and Software Technology (IST) course. The course covers the syllabus as prescribed by the Board of Studies, New South Wales ("Information and Software Technology Years 7–10: Syllabus", 2003, p. 15-30).This course covers the following optional topics: 1) Digital Media, 2) Database Design, 3) Software Development & Programming and 4) Internet & Website Development. The projects or tasks associated with the optional topics incorporate the core topics listed below: C1- Design Produce and Evaluate, C2-Data Handling, C3-Hardware, C4- Issues, C5-Past, Current and Emerging Technologies, C6-People, and C7-Software. The prefix C1-C7 identifies the core topic and would be used in the chart to the show the link between the course and the prescribed syllabus Wales ("Information and Software Technology Years 7–10: Advice on Programming and Assessment", 2003, p. 6). The expected outcomes are listed as numerical identifiers of stage 5 outcomes taken from the Information and Software Technology Years 7–10: Syllabus (2003, p. 12-13) document. For example, outcome 5.2.1 in term1 of year 9 points to “describes and applies problem-solving processes when creating solutions” of stage 5 outcomes (Information and Software Technology Years 7–10: Syllabus, 2003).
Every user has to get started somewhere when they first attempt computer programming. The first experiences are best learned by attempting simple web scripts on your own, while gradually working toward harder tasks (Taylor, 24). If attempting the start learning computer programming while still in school, it is advised to take as many computer education classes as physically possible. It is also advised to partake in classes in mathematics, science, and schematic drawing classes to prepare for the field (Computer Programmers). It is recommended for beginners in programming to investigate in large businesses that use computerized tasks to complete their operations on an everyday basis such as banking programs and web servers to see how all the tasks work in contagion to complete a sing...
We live in a world that can’t live without binary code anymore. Computers have pervaded so deep in our lives that they are now being called ubiquitous. With phenomenal increase in users, has come a phenomenal increase in data. We generate a vast amount of data through activities on our computing devices making it necessary to employ intelligent algorithms which enable the system to learn from and analyze this vast dataset. Fortunately, the advent of Distributed Computing has created avenues to access virtually limitless computing power even through mobile devices thus, allowing us to use highly complex and large scale algorithms. However, with all this power under the hood, it is important to make the computers as usable and receptive to users as possible. I believe this interdisciplinary paradigm will have far reaching impact on industries, governments as well as our daily lives which is why I am so interested in research concerning Information Management and Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Human Computer Interaction, and Mobile and Internet Computing.
I am applying for the course of Computer Science because I would like to increase my knowledge of this subject. I hope that in the future I will be able to create applications for computers that will help people to save time and money.
During the summer of junior year I interned at Accenture. I worked in the IT department, diagnosing and resolving PC hardware and software issues and imaging an endless amount of computers for new hires. I enjoyed the freedom I had to explore new aspects and specs for computers: I was both a co-worker and a student, rather than just someone who shadowed other workers. At the end of my internship, I found a new and more intimate appreciation for technology, but I also felt an unknown longing for something more.
I began my internship from September 22nd 2011 till the 11th of August 2013. After getting the proper training, the manager started assigning some clerical duties for me to accomplish. The primary results of my work on these duties turned out to be self-satisfactory as I got praised by the supervisor, and further tasks were handed for me to accomplish after establishing some trust. These increased my self-confidence and motivated me to work more on my skills and try to benefit from every aspect of the internship as well as link my studies in the university to this job. The aim behind the internship is to implement what was learned during the past academic years in University and know how to transfer theoretical materials into practical ones. The Internship offers a chance of exposure to real work life, establishes a career pathway and choice, as well as allowing the building of business networks that comes as a great benefit in later job finding efforts.
Human factors is a scientific field that deals with the understanding of interactions between humans and other aspects of a system and the application of theories, data, principles and methods of design with the aim of maximizing human safety and the general system performance. In essence, human factors are generally concerned with the human-computer interaction, as well as ergonomics (Bannon, 1991). Human factors field is interested in the fit between the system, the user, and their environments. It considers the user’s capabilities and limitations in ensuring that tasks, roles, information and the environment are suitable for every user. Human computer in...
Psychologists have made numerous efforts to understand in detail the involvement of cognitive, perceptual and motor components in the moment-by-moment interaction a person encounters when working at a computer. This line of work was started by Card et al. (1983). Their research was based on the separation of computer use knowledge from what operates on the knowledge to derive a specific behaviour with this approach it was claimed that one could determine several important behaviours. Later a number of researchers built on this original work, adding ore to it. The most significant addition to this was Kieras and Meyer (1997) with their popular ‘EPIC’. Cognitive modeling has also been quite practical. Gray et al. (1993), for example, applied it to the evaluation of two telephone operator keyboards predicting and confirming enacting times between the two. Others have applied it to the application designs like CAD for the banking and Engineering sectors. Although this model has been said to be very powerful, it’s application is not universal. That brings us to the second line of theoretical research; Distributed Cognition.
..., D., Jarrett, C., Woodroffe, M., & Minocha, S. (2005). User Interaction Design and Evaluation. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.
The character of undergraduate study does not provide enough spans for individual expression while rapidly advancing technology requires mastery of particular areas. My undergraduate education has provided a detailed coverage to the various specialties available in Computer Science, thus motivating my interest in advance study. Afterwards I learned about the Masters in Computer Science, through which I c...
The internship was part of the requirements for my BS degree in Civil Engineering at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM). I understood through my experience that the difference between college education and workplace learning. I can say that effective workplace learning was asking for a combination of a formal learning avenues, such as training courses, and informal ways, such as having coffee with a more seasoned colleague ready to pass on his experience and knowledge to me. My first job career choice after graduation was as a civil engineer in the Saudi Ministry of Water and Electricity in 2000. I was responsible for managing maintenance programs as well as handling problems and issues in ways requiring creativity and innovative solutions. I assess my ability as a new graduate, and I felt that accepting a government job will provide with a reasonable of learning pace to open other doors in my career. My leadership and analytical skills were developed to cope with the challenges associated with that
Throughout my undergraduate programme I was introduced to a well-organized curriculum covering various aspects of Computer Science among which a few subjects caught my close attention.
There are a lot of Software Engineers in the world today and to stand out from among them, I need to be abreast of the latest developments and strong in the fundamentals. Since the discipline of Computer Science was practically born in the US, there is a lot of Research and Development in this field in the US. Also a Masters’ from the US will help me in preparing for a challenging career. I believe that with some of the greatest minds in Computer Science at University of Cincinnati, and the world-class lab infrastructure there, I am sure to be able to learn a lot of new things which will give me an edge in my career. I envisage working to meet the technological demands of the days ahead and to improve the quality of human race through the development of innovative, self-sufficient and productive Software Applications.
I wish to get back to the U.S. and learn in greater detail about the principles and practices involved in developing intuitive web and mobile-based products in the consumer space that can have a global impact. I view the Master of Science in Information program as an opportunity to acquire the skills necessary to pursue my career goals and prepare myself for the next wave of information revolution that will be powered by the Internet of things. I wish to gain expertise by doing a deep-dive in the field of user experience, usability and interaction design by undertaking graduate study specializing in Human Computer Interaction.
Computer technology not only has solved problems but also has created some, including a certain amount of culture shock as individuals attempt to deal with the new technology. A major role of computer science has been to alleviate such problems, mainly by making computer systems cheaper, faster, more reliable, easier to use.