Scope and Sequence Plan for a 200 hour Information and Software Technology Course

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The chart depicted below shows the scope and sequence plan for a 200-hour Information and Software Technology (IST) course. The course covers the syllabus as prescribed by the Board of Studies, New South Wales ("Information and Software Technology Years 7–10: Syllabus", 2003, p. 15-30).This course covers the following optional topics: 1) Digital Media, 2) Database Design, 3) Software Development & Programming and 4) Internet & Website Development. The projects or tasks associated with the optional topics incorporate the core topics listed below: C1- Design Produce and Evaluate, C2-Data Handling, C3-Hardware, C4- Issues, C5-Past, Current and Emerging Technologies, C6-People, and C7-Software. The prefix C1-C7 identifies the core topic and would be used in the chart to the show the link between the course and the prescribed syllabus Wales ("Information and Software Technology Years 7–10: Advice on Programming and Assessment", 2003, p. 6). The expected outcomes are listed as numerical identifiers of stage 5 outcomes taken from the Information and Software Technology Years 7–10: Syllabus (2003, p. 12-13) document. For example, outcome 5.2.1 in term1 of year 9 points to “describes and applies problem-solving processes when creating solutions” of stage 5 outcomes (Information and Software Technology Years 7–10: Syllabus, 2003).
Scope and Sequence Plan
Year 9

Term 1
Option 1 Digital Media Project ( 10 Wks)
Description: Students develop skills to workout solutions in a group to an imaginary or a real life business problem and develop a presentation project collating all these solutions. The media selected for the project would be on the basis of consensus by different groups. The final presentation using the selected media should show how...

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Markham, T., Larmer, J., & Ravitz, J. L. (2003). Project based learning handbook: A guide to standards-focused project based learning for middle and high school teachers. Novato, Calif: Buck Institute for Education.
Information and Software Technology Years 7–10: Syllabus. (2003, June). Retrieved April 10, 2014, from

Information and Software Technology Years 7–10: Advice on Programming and Assessment. (2003). Retrieved April 10, 2014, from

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