Wi-Fi is a technology that allows the interchange of data and connection to the internet using radio waves. The name Wi-Fi was a brand name which in English is a synonym of the word "WLAN" (Wireless Local Area Network). The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) defines it as any WLAN products on their 802.11 standards that complete the Wi-Fi Alliance interoperability certification test may only use the “Wi-Fi Certified” Trademark. As of today, more and more devices are starting to use the Wi-Fi technology like laptops, Smartphones, and other media devices. This is by connecting a device through a hotspot at home or in different places. (Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia) The idea about Wi-Fi started in 1985 when Federal Communications Commission (FCC), an American Telecommunication Regulator decided to open several bands of wireless spectrum after the government allowed them to use it without a licence. Over several years, an engineer namely Michael Marcus took three spectrums from the industrial, medical and scientific bands and leaked it to communication entrepreneurs. (Wil Corp. Inc, 2004) In 1991, NCR Corporation/AT&T in Nieuwegein, Netherlands invented a precursor to Wi-Fi which was intended for the system of cashing. The first wireless devices/products were brought on the market with the name “WaveLAN”. A Dutch engineer, Vic Hayes named ‘father of Wi-Fi’ was with his team designing other Wi-Fi standards. Wi-Fi was used on the market as early as the year 2000 by the company called Interbrand Corporation, were hired by the Wi-Fi Alliance to think of a name that people will like. It was Phil Belanger, a founding member of the Wi-Fi Alliance selected the name “Wi-Fi” (a play for the term “Hi-Fi”) and created the...
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...art also serves as a background, concerning the regularity of the proponents’ usage of a given gadget in accessing to Wi-Fi. The last part is on the proponents’ observation on the quality of Wi-Fi in certain places. The responses of these 50 De La Salle Lipa college students serve as the first-hand data of this study.
Works Cited
Carter, T. (2005). Wireless Connection. Wireless For Dummies, p. 406
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wireless communication got a lot of attention when a message was transmitted that allowed for
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Bluetooth is a wireless LAN technology designed to connect devices of different functions such as telephones, notebooks, computers (desktop and laptop), cameras, printers, and coffee makers. A Bluetooth LAN is an ad hoc network, which means that the network is formed spontaneously but sometimes it called gadgets and make a network called a piconet. The cable-free, or wireless, technology was initially conceived by Ericson in 1994, when the company began a study to investigate the feasibility of a low-power, low-cost radio interface between mobile phones and their accessories. The company’s goal was to eliminate the need for cables.
Paige B., Brian D. and Cameron W. (2012). Business Driven Information Systems, 3rd Canadian Ed. 300 Water St, Whitby, ON L1N 9B6, McGraw Hill Ryerson Ltd
The propose research will address a problem confronting many two year institutions in the present-day (i.e. how to best plan, design, and implement WLAN technologies). While WLAN technologies offer the benefits of mobility, reduced installation time, and decreased cost, many challenges must be met by institutions deploying them (Geier, 2005). These issues are related to security, speed, interoperability, and equipment selection, ease of use, reliability, signal interference, installation, and health risks.
The survey was completed on 18 March by 55 respondents. It is possible to draw conclusions from 55 people, but more students are needed to obtain better findings. Most of the respondents said they are satisfied with their mobile phone type. The majority of respondents were aged 13 to 19...
Introduction: This is a 21th century, technology is the most important and improved thing of the human life. It makes life easier and faster. Development of faster sophisticated technology we have better and fast life. So all we are connect each other by computer network. There are two different way of network: Wired and wireless. Now day we can found network almost everywhere. Home, business, public place, Airport, Planes, hospitals, school, train everywhere we can found networking. Therefore, almost every sector of the economy that has affected by wired and wireless technology. Wired network and wireless protect both has security, But in general wireless network is less secure than wired networks. For proper security AP (access point) and its antenna should be right position. Also add a wireless access point or use a wireless router we can connect to network wirelessly. AS we using more and more of devices (smart phones, tablet and computers) rely on wireless networking, we have to improve our network security too.
Zeleny, M (ed.) 2000, The IEBM handbook of information technology in business, Thomson Learning, London.
Laudon C. & J. Laudon (2003: 5th edition) Essentials of Management Information Systems. London: Prentice Hall International Limited