I have always been fascinated by human behavior. Growing up, I poured over books where I strongly empathized with the characters and analyzed their choices, attempting to gain an insight into why humans behave the way they do. The household I grew up in was particularly oriented towards logic and reason, but my empathy towards others was always encouraged by my family. When I went to college, I weighed my options shrewdly. I picked a major that would simultaneously spark my interest, as well as lead to a career that would fill me with a sense of purpose: psychology. I focused all my energy on learning about human behavior and took many supplemental sociology classes to fill the gaps of societal effects on humans. I felt secure in my ability to be both objective and compassionate towards others. However, I started to feel increasingly overwhelmed as college progressed, and placed blame on myself for not being able to be more cool and collected. This was affecting my grades, relationships with others, and overall health. The turning point for me came at the beginning of my junior year.
There was a workshop required for a class of mine that focused on mindfulness. This workshop began my journey of reframing the way I regarded my stress. Over time, I started to understand that I could feel compassion not only for others, but also for myself. This personal growth was extremely important, not only for myself, but for my abilities as a future counselor. Practicing self-compassion has given me the self-awareness to fully focus on others without letting my self-perceptions bias my interactions. Beyond the compassion I experience for others, there are many reasons I desire to pursue counseling. A career where I can grow and progress is ide...
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...seling have evolved throughout being an accomplished psychology undergraduate student and a mental health care professional, I realize that my natural next step is becoming a counselor. I am an empathetic and compassionate person, capable of non-judgement and acceptance. This is evidenced to me through my professional experiences, as well as life experiences. I have the skills that will allow me to work with people from all walks of life, and give me a deep understanding of how to relate to people regardless of their race, ethnicity, beliefs, or socioeconomic status. The profession of counseling will fulfill my needs to continuously improve myself, learn new skills, and utilize my compassion for other human beings. The ability to continue directly empowering people to heal and grow in a more nuanced manner would fill me with a sense of purpose and sustain my passion.
remember reiterating to myself that I am pursuing a career in the field of counseling, so this
I knew I loved to help others but it was not until I was an emerging adult that I knew what my calling was. My devotion to improve the quality of life for those who are disadvantaged is one of the reasons I have chosen to pursue a Master’s in Social Work. After obtaining my masters, I plan on diversifying my masters by getting licensed and becoming a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. I would like to study social work because I feel it will lead me directly to one of the most emotionally fulfilling careers available, as well as giving me the chance to combine helping people 's mental well being with their physical
Individuals’ perceptions of their life/worth have the power to control the goals that they can carry out and meet. Every day we are learning new things and everyone has his/her own unique ways of learning. My strong desire to help students with their academic, personal, and social needs make me a strong candidate as a school counselor. While completing my undergraduate degree in Early Childhood Program Administration I learned a great deal about myself. I have a passion for learning and want to share and express that love for learning with students. I feel that the Master of School Counseling program provides a direct path to my career goals of helping students to comprehend subject matter while learning to love learning as I do. Not only will
¬The human condition fundamentally embodies the experience of what is essentially considered vital to ‘being a person’, including not only the physique of a human, but more specially their behaviour and mentality. Due to the immense number of perspectives and variations of ideologies texts can demonstrate, a responder’s comprehension of the human condition can be substantially developed to create a broader understanding of society. These traits are particularly established in Samuel Wagan Watson’s poems itinerant blue (2002) and the finder’s fee (2002), as well as Fyodor’s Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment which delve most into mortality, insight and uncertainty respectively. Thus, these texts predominantly examine the psychological aspect of the human condition and mark it as the most significant.
I observe people around me and try to as well understand their actions and why they react the way they do in certain situations. The more I realized that I like to help people with their problems, the more I realized that I was in the right field to help people understand their own life better. I don’t always have the answers but, I do what it takes to understand a situation more so that I am able to get the answers. I believe that my purpose is to help people understand their life a little better and speak great over their lives. I would mostly like to help children out so that I am able to help them understand their feelings. Children are usually more vulnerable than anyone else in the world. Becoming a practitioner scholar in this field means learning about different mental illness so that I am better prepared when I encounter different patients. I took and abnormal psychology class where we briefly went over each mental disorder but I would like to be able to go more in depth. During my time in this class we did several case studies, where I learned to diagnose different clients and give possible treatments. I would like to go beyond this method and learn more as I get more into clinical psychology. Also I would like to indulge more in
The study of the mind, psychiatry, has in the last few years struck an interest within me. I wonder why we react differently when we face the same obstacles. For example, families with several children, raised by the same parents and in the same environment, yet turn out to be completely different individuals, sometimes very disturbed. The how, why and where of it all interests me. My immediate goal is to get my diploma and find out who I really am and what my soul desire truly is. I realize I have a deep desire to be of service to others. This is not a skill however, it's just me. I do feel one of my strongest skills is my artistic ability. I have a taste for and enjoy a diverse selection of movies, music, and reading material. I enjoy studying photography, biology, along with human behavior.
I have wanted to be a counselor since my freshmen year of high school and in the counseling field there are many specialties that I can focus on. I am fairly certain that I want to specialize in helping people with substance abuse and their families. I have always focused my studies, interests, and work on things that will help me in this field and I have a lot of qualities that help to enhance me in my eventual career. There are difficulties when I get to practice also like what people perceive as correct counseling style, challenges with my gender and race, and finally creating my own counseling style and plans.
I know as I further my education in the counseling field my philosophy of counseling will change. For myself, I feel that I am still young and learning about myself and my surroundings. In my eyes to be suitable to help others I need to continue to grow as a person myself both professionally and mentally. I want to be able to move forward and develop new distinctions and aspects to my philosophy of counseling as time goes on. I hope to continue my growth in understanding of what it means to be a good therapist or counselor by using good theories and techniques to help future clients.
My first semester in college, I took a Psychology 101 course and immediately knew I wanted to work in this field. I was drawn into different theories and how individual’s minds work. I always believed I was born to help others and guide them to success in life. I desire to help others because of my own personal struggles with mental illness. My unique perspective on mental illness allows me to empathize on a different level with individuals. I desire to give back and support to the community the way it was there for me during my dark times. I was lucky to have known from the start that psychology was my interest. I am excited to continue my education in the counseling field and become a future Clinical Mental Health Counselor.
My interest persisted and grew as I began to see how my efforts had the ability to improve the lives of people around me. I first noticed this on a personal level as friends would come to me for advice or for me to listen to their struggles and provide comfort. No matter how mundane, horrific, unique, or common the story was, I listened to them in a genuine and non-judgmental manner. I truly enjoyed hearing people’s stories and providing comfort and advice when needed. These moments helped me realize the power of simply being there for someone, and it increased my interest of pursuing a career where I can support those who need it most. I want to become a social worker so I can provide direction to those who may not be able to get it from other sources, just like I have done for various people throughout my life.
Deliberate Alteration of Human Behaviour Behaviour consists of learned responses to simple stimuli. One example of the use of deliberate alteration of behaviour is with phobias. In the learning approach, phobias are seen as the result of maladaptive learning by classical conditioning. If at some time a fearful, even traumatic, event has occurred then, by classical conditioning the person experiencing this may associate it with anything that was around at the time. Behaviour therapy is the means of treating phobias using classical conditioning.
During my initial self-evaluation and assessment of me as a perspective counselor, self- awareness was an essential aspect of becoming an effective counselor. I am aware of certain things that can prevent me from becoming a competent counselor such as being unaware of my strengths and weaknesses. As a current community support worker, I have already had the opportunity to work with individuals who require different levels of support. Providing assistance to the specific population has given me the chance to utilize my communication skills. My work experience has also allowed me to be more self-aware, and open minded. After taking the techniques of counseling class I am more than confident that I have grown professionally since the beginning
For me, it didn’t click that I can turn these characteristics and skills into a career that I would enjoy until I started meeting regularly with my High School Counselor, Mrs. Corbin. I met with Mrs. Corbin once a day for about an hour in order to receive my community service hours that were required for graduation. Much like me, she has a passion for helping others and she carried me through my entire senior year. She would show my how to fill out college applications, help determine which college was the best fit for me, we spoke a lot about what major I should consider, and give me advice or just listen to what was going on in my life. She really inspired me to be on this path that I am today because I want to give others the help, love, and support she gave me. She recognized my desire to help others and “people person” skills and would always say “You’ll miss your calling in life if you don’t become some sort of counsellor”. That phrase always
I was able to assist my dad while he was going through a rough time with my mom. My dad knows who psychologists are, but being able to explain the significance of psychology and encouraging him to see one made me happy. It not only helped him recover with his personal issues, but also helped him understand what my mom is going through. In addition, this topic has impacted me for future use, not only for myself, but for others I can share this knowledge with. The importance of psychology, coping with stress, or knowing what the different types of psychologists can all be applied to my career towards junior personnel, through educating them, or the application of my everyday life, and benefiting my outlook.
In my report you will find that I researched and wrote about the species known as homosapiens. Also better known as human beings. I learned a lot of information about their life styles, their behaviors, their nocturnal urge to love and their hunger for knowledge. I also learned where they fit into the grand scheme of things. I learned why they are classified how they are and how they obtain food.