How Fishing Changed My Life Essay

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Short Answers (Under 150)

What do you love to do?
That moment when silence turns into that noise of the rod running. The time I have waited for with hundreds of casts, hundreds of failures. Then finally the jolt forward, the fish on and running. Over my years, this simple thrill outweighs them all. I used to tell my mom that “I’d rather be fishing.” It’s true no matter where I am what I’m doing I’d rather be fishing. This simple activity to most people is a passion to me, it is a part of my life. This past summer I engaged in my first job, on which I was working on a fishing charter. They taught me to master new skills for not just fishing, but also great general strategies. Not only did I learn skills that are necessary anywhere I go, but …show more content…

Trekking through some of the toughest terrain in the United States at such a young age requires more than strength or skill, it requires teamwork. This truly struck me this summer as we were paddling down the East Branch of the Penobscot River. Over the entire journey, we end up paddling over seventy-five miles of difficult rapids and sometimes waterfalls. When we reached the points not able to be paddled we had to carry eight canoes and all the gear necessary for survival. One portage could take up to two and a half hours. Carrying an eight-pound canoe on your back for a mile requires some serious strength. But without working together we would have never finished those portages. Teamwork allows you to accomplish things much greater than a portage and to accept this teamwork is the greatest value I have …show more content…

Thus, the most important attribute I would like to have is integrity. From integrity gains you trust from others and trust from others is what gives you success. Success not in business, but more importantly in friendship. Apart from integrity, I would love to have a strong sense of leadership. The most important aspect of leadership is the ability to give people enthusiasm. For years at my camp, I won the Kieve Tripper, an award given to a member of the cabin who stepped forward and took charge. From this, I would love to grow this into a much larger aspect of leadership. One that could unite many and help make a real difference. Integrity and leadership are some of the most important skills in future life. If I gain a true sense of leadership and integrity at such a young age it would be a major benefit in later life. A mix of the two I believe is the strongest possible aspect of a true human. To achieve true success and honor from others, these personal attributes must be

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