How Daycare Affects Children's Behavior

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Everything a child hears, sees, watches, eats and drinks affects them. The most important of all is the environment a child grows up in. The environment they grow up in shapes a child’s personality and behavior. For most children they do not have a choice but to grow up in the environment of a daycare. Some children have no choice but to go to daycare, because it’s a parent’s only choice. The children would wake up every day and leave their mother to go to daycare for more than eight hours a day. In most cases parents think that the only way for their child to succeed and learn is to go to daycare. Parents don’t take into consideration of the negative effects that daycare can have one a child. Daycare affects a child's physical and mental …show more content…

Parents are the most influential on the children. The education of the parents for children raised at home showed to have a great impact on the children. If the parents had went to college, the children showed to have higher cognitive, language and social competence. Also families with higher income showed to provide home environments that was emotionally supportive for the children. Experts found that the conditions in which a child grows up in before reaching school age are of the greatest importance for development of character. Some children who were put into daycare showed to have a more negative personality. Some parents think the best thing is for their children to go to daycare so they can succeed. Parents who push their children out into the world before they are ready, especially at a young age are not doing their children any favors. A number of children who were put into daycare before they were ready was found to be disturbed and protest full children (Zinsmeister 1). Many children are separated from their parents by the earliest age of three months. Separation from parents can cause a great amount of stress for many young children. Which this type of separation could have potential long-term consequences for their mental and physical health. A child needs to establish a secure attachment in their relationship with their …show more content…

If the child does not get such things, the side development of its personality is affected and lack of confidence in people. The quality of the daycare a child enters is the most important in making sure a child has the right care. A daycare should fulfill all the child’s needs. These needs should include teaching them to form good habits in regard to eating, cleanliness, sleep, washing and dressing. If a child can’t be at home with their mother on a daily basis for the mother to teach the child these needs, the daycare should fulfill these needs (Sjolund 40-41). The Federal Funding Association did a study on the quality of daycare, and found that with poor functioning daycares lead to obesity and academic problems in adolescent years. The main people that keep a daycare running are the children’s caregivers. A caregiver should always have the child’s best interest in mind. They should make the children feel confident and secure. A large number of caregivers have quit their jobs, because how the other caregivers would treat the children. The National child care staffing study examined 227 child caregivers in five regions of the country, and forty one percent of all caregivers quit their jobs over cases that have to do with abuse. Only a small percentage of children received a lot of positive attention from their caregivers. Some said they were just out-and-out abusive towards the children. Many care workers

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