Leadership is the first step in building a successful business. According to Lamberton and Minor (2013), Leadership is usually discussed as the capability to influence people toward the attainment or achievement of goals. According to Biro (2013), the ability to reach people in a way that stimulates the intellectual and the rational mind is possibly the most important mark of a great leader. Great leaders understand empathy and have the ability to read people's needs and desires (Biro, 2013). I have experienced some great examples of leadership in my lifetime. One manager stood out to me in particular while working at Hotel Bel Air. He often used tactics stated in our book and stated on various websites, such as participation and team building. …show more content…
He was ranked as the best manager of the hotel on a few different occasions, because he actually cared about his employees and associates. In an article by Duncan Coombe (20), put into laments terms, a work environment with poor leadership is more often than not treating its multiple stakeholders poorly resulting in very low productivity. The meaning behind this statement is that in order to have a thriving workforce, the manager's and leaders should be emotionally invested in their work. Employees can feel when a management team is depersonalized or robotic if you will. In order to implement team-building, the leader must ask questions to the team. For example, What do you want from this team (Lamberton and Minor, 2013)? A good work climate will bring about the most productivity over the longest period of time. The climate will include high trust levels, a reasonable level of freedom, and fair recognition for the work of each person (Lamberton and Minor, …show more content…
It is another aspect in the workforce that is necessary. According to Segal and Smith (2017), one should focus on the present and know when to let something go. By holding on to anger, you are hurting yourself and your co-workers. According to Lamberton and Minor (2013), you should examine or look at your anger to find the inner causes. By examining what extensive damage your anger has caused, you can begin to work on solutions to the problem. There have been many instances in my life where I have been on the receiving end of violence and anger. This anger stems from a deep regret or sense of insecurity. In order to resolve issues like this, one should know when to seek professional help. I currently work with someone who is dealing with some anger management issues. She tends to yell and scream at everyone for the smallest things, this is uncomfortable and creates a hostile work environment for some. In order for a defensive person to shed their armor, another person must do so also (Lamberton and Minor, 2013). It allows both people to then talk constructively and normally. Anger management is relatable to many people in many ways, multiple sources note the impact of controlling one’s anger whether it be at home or in the workplace. The daily stress and struggles of life can make it hard for people to overcome their fears and
Just because the sun is bright and shining in the summer does not mean that people are at their happiest moment. It is a regular hot summer’s day where you wake up to a hot apartment due to a broken A/C. The sun is not even completely out and you are already sweating, starting your day with the wrong foot. You lose time trying to see what is going on with your air conditioning system. As if your luck could not get any worse, your car’s A/C is broken as well. So, by now, you are late for work and completely sweaty, but finally on your way. While driving to work you take the route you take every morning and to your surprise one of the roads is closed due to an accident that happened earlier. A police officer that is controlling traffic approaches your car and asks you to please back your car and take another road. At this time you explode and you snap at the police officer. Why this aggression? It could be by the series of unfortunate events you just experienced, or maybe something else could be influencing your behavior. Research has shown that emotional aggressive outbursts are frequently caused by harsh or unpleasant events such as provocation, frustration, uncomfortable temperatures, loud noise, unpleasant odors, and smoke. (Anderson, Groom,
Anger is something that everyone has. It is a natural response to threats and it can sometimes be necessary to survive. However, when handled improperly, anger can be a very destructive emotion. Letting anger take control of a person can make them very violent, aggressive, and unreasonable
Some methods may be similar to others, and some methods may be completely unorthodox. One might use the ten-count method as I had mentioned earlier in coping with anger. This allows the individual to take a breath and re-evaluate the situation at a slower and more understanding rate. Exercise is also a great method in coping with anger. It allows the person to take out their frustrations through vigorous activity. This method harms no one and keeps the body fit. Talking out the problem with someone can also relieve some of the confusion and anger. This can give the individual a better understanding of the problem and maybe allow them to fix the dilemma. Each and every one of these methods can help cope with anger by allowing the individual to think using their mammalian part of the brain, rather than simply responding with instinctive
If anger were a disease, there would be an epidemic in this country. Road Rage, spousal and child abuse, and a lack of civility are just a few examples. Emotionally mature people know how to control their thoughts and behaviors how to resolve conflict. Conflict is an inevitable art of school and work, but it can be resolved in a positive way.
Leadership is not a position but an action that is undertaken by an individual. Leadership is not just about giving orders, yet it is the action of serving others. According to Robert Townsend, “A leader is not an administrator who loves to run others, but someone who carries water for his people so that they can get on with their jobs” (2013). A good leader will support his or hers employees because a leader is not judged on their own actions, but they are judge on the success of those that they support. In the modern era, we look at business leaders in the same way that historians view military commanders or kings of the past.
Leadership is the ability of an individual to influence, motivate and inspire others (Gill, 2006). It is therefore defined as a process whereby a leader influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal (Northouse, 2013). A leader has to make a decision for something to happen and provide his followers with clear direction (Rost et al, 1991). It will evoke feelings of challenge, excitement and involvement for the followers to proceed with the task (Gill, 2006).
Leadership is all about having the right amount of heart and determination to help make a difference in someone’s life. It takes certain qualities to be considered a good leader. A leader should want to help inspire others to make a change and to be the best that they can be. A true leader does not need to feel powerful, instead they empower those around them. Throughout my life I have come across various leaders who have made an impact on my life. It takes a very special person to inspire and touch people’s lives. Leadership is so much deeper than having power and bossing people around.
As it is written in the text he is also a good leader and he knows what he wants for his business, how to keep his employees and how to run his business for high profit.
Leadership is trait that is extremely important in any society. Leadership is known as the way people attempting to make a difference in a situation. However, I believe that it is better said to be a way of influencing others actions. Leadership is usually connected to a great leader that affected his or her followers in a dynamic way. Throughout the semester for my leadership class, I have expanded the knowledge in numerous ways. I now have fully understanding of the purpose and process of leadership to a society. Being a leader one must maintain an image of being the role model. I believe that this is leader should be who is someone who has the ability to influence, encourage, listen, and nurture. They are able to inspire, stimulate, persuade, shape, and have an effect on others.
Dr. Charles Spielberger, a psychologist who specializes in the study of anger, has defined anger as “an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage” (APA). This sounds simple enough, but it is this range in intensity, its causes, and its response that makes anger such a difficult subject. In terms of the causes, anger itself can be a response to many events, both external and internal. The anger could be directed at a person, an event, personal problems, or painful memories. No matter what the cause, when anger turns to the extreme, it can be extremely harmful to individuals and whoever surrounds them. As the American Psychological Association’s (APA) pamphlet entitled “Controlling Anger Before It Controls You” states, “Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. But when it gets out...
Anger is an expression of pain. Once you can identify the underlying issue, it’s easy to make logical conclusions. Observe and use an anger management log when you experience any major anger-inducing situations.
Expressing, suppressing and calming are the three ways of dealing with anger. The healthiest way is to express your feelings in an assertive - and not aggressive - manner. Suppressing your anger and then converting or re-directing it to other positive ways, is another way. This way of handling of anger can cause hypertension, high blood pressure or depression. You can defuse anger through diversion, distraction, humor or by talking about it, so as to calm you down. The third way is to force you to calm down inside, by controlling internal responses. You can be angry every day but learn not to show it so as to minimize the problems it may create, by any strategic manner. Culture does not allow one to show anger. If anger is not allowed to express, it stays in disguise. Anger built up over years can break even
According to Shockley and Zalabak (2009) "Leadership is a process of guiding individuals, groups, and entire organization in establishing goals and sustaining action to support goals.Leadership is like mapping out where you need to go to win". A Leader is a person who has a strong personality and who has an ability to manage people and work. He is also the person who is able to direct people .Usually a leaders has a lot of attributes that
This can either be a positive or negative thing and how you act on it, or do not act, can show how in control and effective you are with your feelings. According to the text, “just because you feel a certain way does not mean you have to act on it” and that “people who act out angry feelings actually feel worse than those who experience anger without lashing out” (Adler, Rosenfeld, Proctor II, year?). Even though acting on your feelings may seem uncontrollable, it is important to deal with them in a different and more productive way. Recognizing how you feel and using the right approach during a constructive conversation is always better than quickly lashing out without completely understanding the situation or how you feel besides angry. Furthermore, “recognizing the difference between feeling and acting can liberate you from the fear that getting in touch with certain emotions will commit you to a course of action” (Adler, Rosenfeld, Proctor II, year?). Understanding your emotions is important so that you will be able to experience feelings that may upset you and still be able to deal with them from a positive standpoint. Once you can separate your feelings from actions you will be able to make more rational
After the birth of my first child, I had to learn to develop constructive ways to vent anger. One of those ways was to go off alone, count to ten, and think about what it was that made me angry. After I discovered the root of my anger, I often asked myself, "Will it do me or anyone else any good to be angry?", and, "Will being angry do anything to solve the problem", and the answer to both questions was usually no. By the time I had done the walking and thinking, I was usually not angry anymore.