Herbert George Wells Avoid Unlawful Advertising

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As famous science novelist, Herbert George Wells, once said, “Advertising is just legalized lying.”(Brainy Quote) “Advertising has been around since the Roman time period. They knew how to make a convincing sales pitch. Early examples of advertising were found in the ruins of Pompeii.” (Tungate 10) Some claim that prehistoric cave paintings were a form of advertising, which seems altogether more interesting. Ever since commercials were invented, companies have been dishonest and tricky. Commercials for the most part are honest, but quite a few commercials have some aspect of dishonesty.
Hidden costs are a huge part of advertising that needs to be expressed. Always be truthful with all claims regarding prices. Doctoring price comparisons or prices that are “Common” prices almost always result in a company getting fined (“Avoid Unlawful Advertising”). “By marking up their prices before discounting, companies are maintaining their previous profit margin. Also common is for the sale prices at a retail store and other stores to be lower than the liquidator’s prices at the closing …show more content…

Advertisers need to do a better job with that. The price or quality relation is considered the reception of which most consumers believe a high price relation is assumed a sign of good quality. The belief of this relation is mainly important with different products that are complex to test, and testing products that should not be experimented on until used (“Pricing”). The more numerous the uncertainty the buyers have on a product, the more people depend on the price or quality relation, and the more they are willing to pay. A very well-known example of this is the pricing of Twinkies (“Pricing”). “Excessive reliance on the price or quality relationship by consumers may lead to an increase in the prices on all products and services, even those of low quality, which causes the price or quality relationship to no longer

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