Hatred For Labels And Endearments

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I came to the realization that I have a deep seated hatred for labels and endearments . Especially, when it is used prematurely or out of context in the specific situation. This hatred stems from the fact that several prominent figures in my life did not live up to the expectation of that "label". For instance, my father, my ex-best friend, my ex-boyfriend, and ex-church family. How can I call you Dad when you have been absent from my life for the past couple of years. How dare you use the words best friend when you don't care for my well being, don't support me in my ventures, and just want to use me for your pleasure. My ex boyfriend was extremely manipulative and utilize labels and endearments in order to quickly form an unhealthy bond and to place …show more content…

Lastly, when it came to my ex church family it was all about calling each other brother and sister and to treat each other like family. Overall, they did live to that label, but since nobody's perfect I would say in certain circumstances they treated you as a stranger. I firmly believe that labels and endearments have the power to bond people in positive and negative ways, so I decided that in the future I'll be more careful with who I put in certain categories. Additionally, I'm really good friend with this girl name Djankia,(ig:livingnika) and most would consider us best friends, but we decided its best not to label our friendship. The main reason why is, because both of us had issues with so called "best friend" in the past. Also, I'm currently in a situation thats somewhat confusing. Yet, I don't have any desire to label anything, because the interaction with that person is quite new and unconventional. Personally, I find it quite refreshing and authentic that nothing is being rushed. We both have interest towards each other, but have different priorities in life that we must attend to such as school, family, work,

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