Robin Beck Essays

  • Community Service Reflection

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    During my community service hours I helped with running the rides during two events, HallOVeen and Magical Forest. The first time I helped with their new ride called “The Avalanche Slide”. A partner and I stood at the very top, awaited the herds of children to come, and then helped them safely get onto the slide. The second event did not divert much from the first as I also helped with running a ride, this time it was the Christmas train. The third time I volunteered I helped with transforming HallOVeen

  • Personal Narrative: How Riley Burdick Changed My Life

    768 Words  | 2 Pages

    Coming into this world a year ago on August twenty-ninth I was given the name Riley Burdick. Born with the Burdick syndrome it makes it very difficult for me to breath, grow, and gain weight like normal people. The grey box with the thin clear tube coming out of it snakes up my back, around my pale ears, over my rabbit stuffed cheeks, and hooked under my tiny button nose. Also on my chubby tummy I have a big circle that hooks up to a monitor with a clear tube that fills up with a creamy smooth formula

  • I Know Me Narrative

    675 Words  | 2 Pages

    This morning I woke up and went walking down my pathway to the bunker door, and suddenly a small black helmet was peeking out of the wheat fields, it moved I quietly ran back up to the house shut the door, locked the windows and doors, and closed the curtains. I picked up the phone to call Tonya, she answered, I warned her, so she came over and we sat on the couch waiting for something to happen. Hours went by, not a single sound was heard around the house, "You are just going crazy from too much

  • The Characters In David Mitchell's The Cloud Atlas

    2177 Words  | 5 Pages

    Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell is an epic adventure across time. With an air of mystery and the supernatural, the novel enchants readers for all of its five hundred and nine pages. One of the novel’s most intriguing features is its construction. Cloud Atlas is a collection of six stories spanning from the mid-1800s to the distant future. Each story is told half way through and then interrupted by the next, until the sixth, and chronologically last, story. After the sixth story is told in its entirety

  • Josh Kincaid's Narrative Fiction

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    Despite the friendless of his approach, Josh still expected to be rejected with a smile and shake or the head, if she acknowledged him at all. For, how often did an attractive woman immediately accept the offer of a free drink from a perfect stranger? The answer to that question was, very rarely, for no matter how their age, they'd likely all learned the lesson that no drink was every truly free, and whoever offered always possessed an ulterior motive. Generally involving what was between her legs

  • Eric Bischoff: A Short Story

    509 Words  | 2 Pages

    I wasn’t surprised that our General Manager of RAW, Eric Bischoff put me to manage Carlito, the most un-cool person if not THE worst WWE superstar in the business. After Matt Hardy had to leave the company, I was left with no one to manage. I’m going to miss him. He didn’t deserve to leave. I was fond of Matt. I was intrigued by his raging determination to payback Edge for what he did (betraying him, let alone steal his woman). Eric Bischoff was impressed with my valet skill, he thought I could help

  • Free Essays - The Joys of Volunteering

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    The first agency I volunteered to work for is a program called Summer Quest. Summer Quest is designed to help students that are in the sixth through twelfth grade experience a "positive summer experience." What this actually means is that it provides students an opportunity to do fun and exciting things, in a positive atmosphere.  Instead of the students sitting at home alone the entire summer, they have a place where they can hang out and enjoy themselves. This is a great program

  • Essay About Moving Across Culture

    1389 Words  | 3 Pages

    “Move to a new culture and you quickly see that visiting a place as a tourist, and actually moving there for good, are two very different things.” Tahir Shah, Travels With Myself One of the biggest decision I made in my life was to further my study far from my home country, far from my family, and far from my friends. It was August 15, 2014 I arrived here; a country where football is being play differently from the rest of the world. It took me 23 hours on flight to arrive at East Lansing from Malaysia

  • My Defining Moment Essay

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    This weekend was a rather special one, one that would change my understanding of heights forever. My 9 year old self bounded into the room bursting with excitement. I had been intently looking forward to this weekend for the past couple days now. My mom had given into the constant begging from me, to go to my friend Wyatt’s house. I ran into my car, barely containing my excitement. After a long, painful 30 minutes we finally arrived at Wyatt’s house. I slammed open the door and ran inside. I was

  • Career Goals

    947 Words  | 2 Pages

    Career Goals Over the past few decades, people have drastically changed the way they choose their career. Times have changed a great deal, and people no longer feel forced into a certain profession. People are now given endless choices and possibilities, and it is up to them to decide what they want to do the rest of their lives. When facing these important decisions, it is very easy to become confused. I once was very uncertain about any career goals I may have had, but now, I am more sure

  • Unforgotten Words

    595 Words  | 2 Pages

    Unforgotten Words Franchessca woke to the sound of a distant Will Young playing on the television downstairs. It was Saturday again, which meant she'd stay in bed for as long as possible, or until her boyfriend called her. She sat up in bed to be blinded by the light from the window. "Good morning sunshine" Franchessca said before stretching and yawning. The house was the same unusual quiet that it was on a Saturday morning, her mum still in bed and her brother crashed out on the couch

  • Personal Narrative-Home

    730 Words  | 2 Pages

    The doors opened and I pushed him out. He didn’t even ask where I was taking him. Perhaps he thought I was killing him. His mind running through all those mental goodbyes to whoever he thought he loved. I smiled a bit when I tore off the laundry facility door and yanked him inside. Because I was bringing him back to life. I didn’t even unscrew the vent. I just grabbed and pulled. I heard the screws scatter across the floor. “Up. Now!” He nodded and began to climb into the shaft. I crawled in after

  • Humorous Wedding Speech by the Best Man

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    Humorous Wedding Speech by the Best Man When Daniel came to me and asked me to be his best man, it was a great honour but, when I looked at all the duties required of me, I felt he’d be better off choosing someone else. Then he offered me a fifty, but I told him that it wasn’t a decision that money could change. So then he offered me a hundred. Anyway, good evening Ladies and Gentlemen - My name is Rob and it’s my pleasure to be Daniel's best man today. So let me tell you about all those

  • Psychological Time Orientation

    1091 Words  | 3 Pages

    Our text book, authored by Richmond, McCroskey, and Hickson (2012), identified three psychological time orientations, pat, present, and future orientations. Past-orientation refers to people who “place high regard on the past, the reliving of past events, and cherishing past happiness” (p. 194). These types of people allow the present to shaped by past events. This orientation can be related to procrastination because, if you have a project deadline (i.e. essay or school project) but you didn’t

  • Short Summary Of The Pigman By Paul Zindel

    800 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Pigman by Paul Zindel is about the lives of an old man, Mr.Pigman, and two teenagers, John and Lorraine. John and Lorraine were two “normal” children that went to school and had a rough time in their homes. The growing bond between John and Lorraine all started when one day John and Lorraine met on the school bus one morning. Due to the fact that the first time they met was on a school bus, there was no room for mortification to occur. Soon after, John started getting himself into trouble at

  • Importance of Time Lapses in Death of a Salesman

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    the great Depression, when people had a different point of view and wanted to achieve the “American Dream”. The American Dream is the longings of people who wanted to develop the country, to amass money and enjoy a comfortable, not to be at the beck and call of the employer. The figure of a salesman was at the cutting edge of the American Dream, a self made person that did not sell his products but his personality. The play shows a series of chronological events which take place during one

  • Why Is Nineties Alternative Rock the Best Music Ever?

    773 Words  | 2 Pages

    First and foremost, this music genre accurately voiced the concerns of those who could not imagine a thriving future as prosperous members of society, and for whom the American dream was nothing but a distant notion. For instance, in his song “Loser”, Beck Hansen skillfully described the apathy that overtakes an individual’s being when he is faced with life´s unavoidable grim prospects. Similarly, this kind of music resonated with all those individuals who were struggling to feel comfortable in their

  • Golfing Happiness

    1964 Words  | 4 Pages

    dumped you, and it wasn't a "mutual decision." However, there is a single instance in which I don't care what the scorecard reflects: playing with Nick. Though some golfers prefer playing in tournaments with new, shiny drivers and caddies at their beck and call, I'll take a round of golf with Nick, on perhaps the worst golf course known to man, Hillcrest Golf Club, over playing in any country-club tournament. Now, you've got to understand my friend Nick. He already scored perfectly on the PSAT

  • Young Males Take More Voluntary Risks Than Any Other Social Group

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    Since Beck (1992) claimed that we are now living in a “risk society” there has been an abundance of sociological research surrounding the subject. Most recently the idea of voluntary risk taking has been brought to the fore front of sociological debate. It is clear that in a society where people spend a great deal of time avoiding risks there are also people actively seeking to take part in risks. Why is this the case, and are there certain groups within society more prone to this type of risk-taking

  • A Study Of Depression And Relationships

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    first study sampled 204 college women. Women were studied based on the very plausible assumptions that women are more susceptible to depression than men and relationships carry more significance with women than men. The women were screened using the Beck Depression Inventory, a popular method of testing consisting of 21 multiple choice questions to be administered by a clinician. The questions range in scope from feelings of sadness to loss of libido. From these results, a sample of 163 was taken: