Hans Eysenck's Research

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Hans Eysenck was a British psychologist that studied a wide variety of areas in psychology. Eysenck is mainly known for his theories of personality and intelligence. There are three dimensions to personality and they are: extroversion, neuroticism and psychoticism (anti-social behaviors). Each dimension has a meaning that is the direct opposite of what they are. Introversion is the opposite of extroversion; emotional stability is the opposite of neuroticism and self-control is the opposite of psychoticism. Hans states that personalities are genetically based. A genetically based aspect of personality that he was interested in was temperament. Temperament is how a person behaves. Within his research, he found two components of temperament. These components were neuroticism and …show more content…

Arousal meaning their response to stimulation that requires our minds and bodies to be alert. Extroverts tend to be more social and outgoing. They seem to find gratification by being rewarded and excepted by others. These types of people are often the type to be known as attention seekers. Extroverted people tend do things on impulse resulting in not remembering what they did. Introverts are almost the opposite of extroverts. Many people relate being shy as a definite way to describe an introverted person. While it may seem similar the meaning of an introvert is different. Introverts have a high level of arousal. This means that introverts are much more prepared and aware of what is happening. Neuroticism was concept developed by Eysenck that stated it was an emotional instability. Neuroticism is similar to neurotic but is not entirely the same. Neurotic refers to a mental disorder that deals with your emotional state regarding feelings of fear and stress. Neuroticism is liable to lead to psychological distress. Psychologist refer to neuroticism as emotional instability because of the closeness in relation these two terms

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