Hannah Hoch Essay

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Hannah Hoch was an artist best known for her work in the medium of photomontage. She would be practice her art in Germany beginning shortly before World War I and continue until her death, at the age of 88, in 1978. She was known for her work in the dada movement in Germany. Her advocacy for women’s rights and the feminist movement would be a large part of her life. Many of her most famous works would be inspired by her views of the social and political climate of her time.
Anna Therese Johanna Hoch was born November 1, 1889 in Gotha, Germany. Her father worked as an executive at an insurance agency and the family was moderately successful. Her later work would critique the type of wealthy background she grew up in and the lifestyles and traditions it implied. Her mother was an amateur painter and it is believed developed her passion for art. The oldest of five children, at the age of 15, Hoch’s parents would require her assistance in raising some of her younger siblings and she would stop attending school. Six years later she would continue her education at the College of Arts and Crafts in Berlin were she would learn to work with glass design and graphic arts as the subjects of sculpture and painting were regarded as exclusively the domain of men. At the outbreak of World War I, Hoch would once again leave her education to volunteer with the Red Cross (she would have been 25 years old). The war and its destruction would have a profound impact on her world outlook for the rest of her life.
After working with the Red Cross efforts during the war, Hoch would return to Germany and her art work. She would first form a friendship with the influential dada artist Raoul Hausmann at the age of 24 in 1915. This relations...

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...s her earlier works received. She would die at the age of 88 in 1978 in Berlin.
Hoch is regarded today as being a pioneer for women in art. Her career is mostly known for her contributions to the Dadaist movement and her work in photomontage. She lead an interesting life and promoted women rights in a turbulent time in Germany.
"Hannah Höch." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 01 Mar. 2014. Web. 15 Jan. 2014. .
Hudson, Mark. "Hannah Hoch: The Woman That Art History Forgot." The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 28 Dec. 0014. Web. 15 Jan. 2014. .
"NGA-DADA - Artists-Hoch." NGA-DADA - Artists-Hoch. National Gallery of Art, n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2014. .

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