Hana To Americ A Short Story

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On their way to Oakland, Hana’s mind was overwhelmed with many questions and thoughts she had about her future. She did not want to sound callous towards Taro, her supposedly future husband, so she kept them all to herself. As they neared Oakland, she thought about what she was going to say to Taro and his family. It was too early to make any judgements, but no one informed her that Taro was an old man. She couldn’t call off the marriage, she had nowhere to live if she did. She also did not want to return back to Japan where she was miserable. America seemed like a nice place to live and she was excited to experience what it held. Eventually, she satisfied herself with the decision of staying with Mr. and Mrs. Toda for a little while to get …show more content…

They walked to a two-story house, where Taro’s family greeted her with warm smiles and a bow. Hana bowed back and briefly smiled. She looked into their eyes and sensed some kind of former sorrow, she instantly regretted her previous judgmental thoughts and replaced them with sympathetic ones. “Welcome Hana to America, we are happy to see you! Would you like some tea?” Mrs. Toda said with a genuine smile. Hana sat down on one of the couches, while Mrs. Toda poured her some tea. The house wasn’t as luxurious as Hana had hoped, but it was pretty nice with its antique décor. Hana sipped her tea, and her stomach thanked her, for she hadn’t eaten in days. She looked up and realized that they were all staring at her, waiting for her to say something. “How are all of you doing today?” Hana asked with a red face. She was embarrassed that she was quiet for that long. “We are happy now that you are here, Hana! How is your family? Mrs. Toda replied in a bit too cheery tone. “My mom and sister are fine. My uncle sends his greetings,” Hana responded quickly. “Ah, your uncle is a good man, did he send you here?” Mr.Toda said in a longing tone. “He says that you are a well-educated woman, who likes her studies.” “Yes, I am studying to become a doctor, but God knows best,” Hana answered. “I like this lady,

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