Hana Diller Short Biography

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As a child, many of us remember forcing our parents to let us go on a pony ride at a fair, and many more may have wanted a horse after that but unfortunately our fantasies were short lived.
For others however, riding these animals and wielding mallets at thirty miles per hour is just another thursday afternoon.
Hana Diller, a junior at seabury Hall, is one of the many under recognized people at Seabury Hall. Hana was born on Maui and has been attending Seabury since freshman year. The game of polo is described by Diller as a combination of hockey and soccer, except the player is mounted on a one thousand pound horse. Thus, the player must establish good coordination and skills with the mallet while also controlling the horse.
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But with rigorous training comes success. Hana has always been a humble person and I had to do some research and I found that she and her team placed 4th in 2013 on a national level in the United States Polo Association Girls’ National Interscholastic Championship tournament at University of Connecticut.
Diller has established a reputation for herself as a seasoned veteran of the game of polo. She has played for six years but has been on horses since she could remember.
As an outsider to the game I thought what could drive a person to sacrifice so much of their time to a sport. Many of the Varsity sports practice schedules were overshadowed by her rigorous training regiment. When I asked Hana, she replied “Honestly, I think it’s one of the most fast paced sports i’ve ever played in my entire life, so i think the fact that everything is going super fast, your brain has to work super fast to anticipate the next play and for any other sport its like that, and for soccer it’s like that as well but you’re not going 30 mph on a horse hitting a ball that could go over 100. Its really thrilling I guess to be on a fast paced level playing a sport when you’re only

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