All Round Ellyse Perry Good Analysis

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The aim of the News Media is to produce the fairest and most non-biased content and to present it to the world, this is not what this generation of the news media is doing these days. So, why does the News Media do this? Many will say that the News Media isn't complying with the Code of Ethics as they should, these two articles about Ellyse Perry are prime examples of this and prove that the news is shedding women's sport in a dull light. The Sunday Telegraph’s article ‘Ellyse Perry kicked and punched while playing soccer and told she is too soft to play the sport’ presents Ellyse Perry as being glamour babe who is too soft to play sport. As well as this the Sydney Morning Heralds article “All-round Ellyse very, Perry good” is presenting Ellyse in a very positive manner saying what a great player she is. The Sunday Telegraphs article “Ellyse Perry Kicked and punched while playing soccer and told she is too soft to play the sport,” by Phil Rothfield, presents a very negative view on what women’s sport is. This article has presented famous Soccer and cricket star Ellyse Perry as being a glamour …show more content…

This refers to her ability to play both cricket and soccer at a representative level and positions the reader o believe that she is a capable, humble athlete that is willing to work hard. This article talks about Ellyse Perry and presents her as the athletic sportswomen that she is. Straight off the bat Chloe Saltau presents Ellyse in the way that she should, with all the images in this article Ellyse is presented as playing the sports she loves, they are presenting her as being athletic and competitive. The Lead paragraph in this article shows us that she is humble as she doesn’t believe that she is the “most marketable athlete.” Throughout this article, it talks about Ellyse’s impressive skills in both sports she

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