Grocery, Inc. and Uniform Commercial Codes

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Grocery, Inc. Presentation Week five provided Learning Team A the opportunity to review and analyze seven case scenarios regarding Grocery, Inc. These case scenarios include, Grocery, Inc. Uniform Commercial Codes (UCC), renovation, minor employee, Gap Filing Rule, employee breach of contract, F.O.B., and supplier. Although, Grocery, Inc. is not involved directly with each scenario, consequentially, the learning team will also depict the store’s involvement indirectly. After reviewing and analyzing the seven scenarios for Grocery, Inc., the learning team obtained comprehensive knowledge of business uniform commercial code. Grocery, Inc. Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) The first scenario asks the question, does Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) apply to the contracts between Grocery, Inc. and its vendors. It also asks do common law contracts apply. The UCC applies only to the sale of goods that are tangible (physical existence) and movable goods from place to place. Article 2 applies to merchants who are regularly engaged in the sale of particular goods (Melvin, 2011. p. 182). Whereas, common law, apply to real estate, services, and intangibles items. Therefore, common law does not apply to Grocery, Inc. and its vendors. Grocery, Inc. uses many vendors from individuals to corporate giants. Each is engaged in moving products from the supplier to the retailor. The goal of the UCC is to provide a smooth transaction by promoting efficiency and standard procedures consumers and merchants may rely upon. Article 2 of the UCC helps fill in the gaps of missing details to help complete the sales contracts. These gaps may include a set delivery schedule, a standard order, specific types of products, guarantees for los... ... middle of paper ... not in writing, the contract is still enforceable because the standard purchase order contains the required elements. Bill’s oral agreement serves as authorization. Conclusion The legality involved in operating a business is very momentous to both the owner and operators the company. Ones may not have knowledge of all the details; however, he or she should be acquainted with UCC regulations. When owners and operators understand UCC regulations, he or she can operate the business with more efficiency legally. Works Cited Case Scenarios: Grocery, Inc. (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2014, from University of Phoenix:,%20Inc.%20-%20Engage%20output/engage.html Melvin, S. P. (2011). The legal environment of business: A managerial approach: Theory to practice. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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