Golden Rule Research Paper

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The golden rule guides people to treat others as you would want to be treated. In other words, “putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. The golden rule displays acts of kindness and caring that go above and beyond the normality. In my life I try to apply the golden rule to all my interactions with people. I help my neighbors whenever they are in need, whether they need a babysitter for the night or they ran out of sugar and need to borrow ours. As much as my family drives me insane I still always try to treat them with love and respect so that hopefully I will get the same in return. While i’m at work I will always go that extra mile to help out one of my co-workers. If they are super busy at the cash register, i’ll jump in and help her check others out. …show more content…

I work at J & K’s Mega Pet and we are constantly using the golden rule towards each other as well as the customers. Doing these things and treating others with kindness builds a growing satisfaction in myself, like a type of knowledge that I am a good person and I have a trust in myself. I feel like empathy is a huge factor in trying to practice the golden rule. It is important to make a habit out of trying to place yourself in someone else’s shoes, whether it be a loved one or a random stranger. You should always try hard to understand what that person is or has gone through and why they make the choices that they do. I have a weakness of always wanting to talk, and i’m sure there’s a million people out there that have the same weakness. Not many people want to listen, but we all want to be listened to. So as hard as it is I always try to take my time to listen. It really helps you understand others. The career field I want to enter is Child Protective Services

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