Global Leadership And Organizational Behavior Effectiveness

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In international business, having the right leadership skills and approach are important to ensure success. Whether it is Entrepreneurial business venture or managing a corporate organization, the skill sets may be slightly different based on the culture. There are several different theories of approach and skill, but all of the theories agree that cultural intelligence and appropriate education are important for all global leaders.
At the Texas A&M University, they have conducted a study to see if the programs and theories that they offer are preparing leaders to be competent global leaders, based on the competencies the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) have determined to be necessary for global leaders. In A&M’s study, they concluded that while they teach Transformation and Charismatic leadership theories, the style approaches, both task and relationship oriented leadership behaviors, are not endorsed universally as effective theories (Muenich, et al., 2013).
The definition of leadership according to GLOBE researchers “is the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organizations of
Many of these traits may determine the leadership style. In a research paper done by Industrial and Commercial Training in 2013, the researchers termed it as hard leadership versus soft leadership. In the hard leadership, the leader is more focused on tasks and pressure rather than persuasion and transformation of people. The paper further describes soft leadership as one who appeals to higher ideals, morals, values and ethical values as opposed to the hard leader that focuses on rewards and punishment (Rao,

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