Exploring Democratic Leadership: A Personal Reflection

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Leadership Style Self-Assessment
You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink is a proverb I have heard since I was young. Leadership is the skill of influencing people to accomplish goals (Huber, 2014). In today’s world with policy and technological changes the leaders must use their leadership skills to not only get the horse to the water, have him drink, but also do it with a smile an invite others to join him. Leaders use a variety of styles to accomplish their goals. I will discuss the leadership style that I utilize most often, how my style relates to leadership theories and the work type environment it is most useful in.
Democratic Style Every leader has a certain leadership style that dominates their workplace, …show more content…

To think one style of leadership is the only style seems rather pompous. You have several different types and brands of blood pressure pills to lower the blood pressure depending on the cause, therefore why would we think we only need one type of leader. At times I am needed to make a decision that I do not ask for outside participation. For example the attendance policy. I decided what would be a fair policy, how many points would be assigned for each call off and how long each point would stay active for. The situation did not need a meeting, it did not need input for others. I utilized a laisse fair style when the nurses were complaining about medication pass times. I simply gave them the task to develop a standardized medication time and let me know. When I hold a risk meeting I have several nurses and other disciplines present to assist at problem solving risk behaviors and that also means trying new techniques. Every situation is different and it is my responsibility, as the leader, to know which style would work best in each situation; sometimes it also depends on the people involved. Some staff need a leader to stand back more, others need one to effectively manage them. So not only do I have to know the situation, I also need to be sensitive to the persons involved, why it is important for me to know the staff I work

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