Gender Pay Gap Research Paper

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The gender wage gap is a major issue in the United States. Today, not everyone reaches equity with one another. Gender inequality is the idea that males and females are unequal. One receives different treatment because of his or her gender. A result of gender inequality is the gender pay gap. Businesses and corporations are mostly entangled within the pay gap. Employers base company performance on the best gender performance. However, there has been ways that has closed the wage gap. Although the gender pay gap has shrunk due to many tactics and behaviors, including more women pursuing higher education, there are more popular ways, such as publishing salaries, receiving equal treatment, and frequent employee evaluations that will continue to …show more content…

Employees deserve to be aware of their counterpart coworkers’ income. Lamb and Klein states, “One of the biggest barriers to solving the gender pay gap is lack of transparent wage data.” (24). Thomas Billitteri adds, “The privacy of salary information makes it hard for workers to recognize and report discriminatory treatment (249). As more companies continue to overcome the barrier, more companies will be a part of shrinking the gap. In that case, employees must be fully prepared with information to make changes to their salary. With salary data, female employees will be more likely to ask for what they deserve, and companies will not be able to ignore wage inequality (Gray, 29). Even if publishing salaries has not completely closed the gap, it helps simmer the inequality in the …show more content…

Men and women employees have different strengths and weaknesses. Evaluations help make decisions for the company that are not solely based on gender differences. To help, there has been government actions made to attack the issue. For instance, the Equal Pay Act of 1963. It states an employer in the United States can justify paying a male employee more than a comparable woman “based on any other factor other than sex,” (Lips, 227). Additionally, there are executive actions that prohibits federal contractors from retaliating against workers who talk about salaries, and another that make contractors disclose their wage gaps by gender and race (Gray, 30). So, after looking at evaluation results, employers have a right to pay varying wages to workers in the same or similar jobs if the differential is due to verifiable factors (Kiplinger, 18). All in all, employee evaluations are vital procedures for companies and

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