Gender Discrimination Essay

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The issues of sexism and gender inequality have always been present since the beginning of human existence. Throughout history, society has discriminated against women and created the preconceived notion that men are superior to women. In regards to American society, women have always been portrayed as the caretakers of the family, the ones who cooked, cleaned, and had an overall gentle and nourishing nature. Men were seen as the main breadwinner of the family, the one who worked a 50 plus hour week at a laborious blue collar job or white collar career in a suit. They were to be tough, independent, and not show their feelings by crying. With the start of the 20th century came the rise of consumerism. Innovating technology brought new products
Besides the company name and slogan, this advertisement does not say much. All is has in text is the little boy saying “G-4” and the father responding “it’s a hit.” This advertisement gives the viewer little to no persuasion to buy that product – and that defeats the whole purpose of an advertisement. The son and father do look like they are having some sort of fun, but it is not in an excess way which it should have been. The three forms of rhetoric, ethos, logos, and pathos, are nowhere to be found in this advertisement. The author of the ad should have implemented at least one of those rhetoric appeals to answer the viewers question of “so what” and persuade him/her into buying it. Apart from that, what was the creator’s point in putting a women and daughter in the background washing dishes? That definitely does not have anything to do with playing board games. The creator should have taken more time to create a more effective persuasion technique for the advertisement instead of focusing on sexist
Although these discriminatory ideas were seen as the social norm at that time, it still wasn’t morally ethical and proper for the creator to illustrate it in the advertisement, as it gave no real meaning for it. It was for sexist material in the media like this, in which promoted the fight for equal rights, and the second-wave feminist movement. Looking back, we have come a long way from the sexist 20th century, making tons of progress for equality. There is still much more room for improvement, such as the gender pays gap and women’s educational rights being oppressed in foreign countries. With great willpower and courageous attitudes we can and will overcome

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