Gagaku: Japanese Folk Music

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Gagaku is the so-called Japanese folk music. It is form by the influences of the Buddhism brought from the country of China through Diplomatic relations between both of the countries. Back in the year 589, the Japanese has sent their diplomatic officer to China to learn about their culture which include the Chinese court music. Gakuso which is a type of zither and gakubiwa a lute are one of the examples of instruments that had been brought all the way from China to Japan. These two instruments are also one of the earliest instruments that had been use in Gagaku. Japanese use the same term as in Chinese, in music form that imported from China was a primarily banquet music (Engaku) rather than the ceremonial music of Chinese (Yayue). Gagaku, song earlier than Dynasty Tang were called Kogaku(ancient music), after the Dynasty Tang are called Shingaku(new music). Gagaku song was played by musicians that belonged to the aristocracy guilds. During the Kamakura period, the Gagaku was always …show more content…

This intro pattern is called as “Jo”. Proceeding to the main part of the the piece which is called as “Ha”. In this phrase, the melodic instruments will start playing with the percussion and keeping with a beat and the strings signal the end of a measure through plucked or flourishes chords. The melody parts will keep repeating multiple of times. The final segment of the Gagaku piece is called the “Kyu” and is often marked by a notable, increase the volume, speed and intensity. Only melody part may not increase in speed, but the drum rolls will increase and the strung instruments will be played at an increase rate and length. When the music reached its peak (loudest), a last of final form called “Jo” will be played to signal the end of the

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