Future Respiratory Therapist

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Being a Consumer of Research
As a future Respiratory Therapist, I have learned how important yet, crucial it is to do research when being a patient care provider in the healthcare. At the beginning of the semester, I wanted to know how to be a “true” consumer of research, however now I have realized it is not something you be it is something you do. One cannot just read over an article and understand it, they must go through it and evaluate it piece by piece. Individuals may interrupt the research differently, but in the healthcare career, not every patient is the same and you must be able to change with the needs of each one. By being able to adjust to patients’ needs is important so who might this group of research be done by? This is answered …show more content…

The discussion post opens the opportunity to speak about the school program you are participating in and applying it in professional situations. As Ariely (2011) explains “We too are blinded by our own incentives which is much more difficult to take into account because we don’t see how the conflict of interests work on us.” Therefore, it is good to do a discussion post to be able to analyze each other’s posts to help one another see if we have conflicts of interests. Along with doing the discussions, the readings, help improve my research and analyzing skills. According to Arena, Goldberg, Ingersoll, Larsen, and Shelledy (2011) who explain, “Additionally, the advanced education of the faculty, increasingly with research doctorates in basic and applied sciences, prepares them to contribute to translational research from the laboratory to the bedside and beyond into the community” (p.165). The knowledge learned from research can be applied to patient care within the hospital setting no matter the career chosen. As a respiratory therapist, we focus on maintaining a patient’s airway and breathing. If a new device or machine comes out to assist in these responsibilities we would want to be one of the first people to know about it and to do the research on …show more content…

I have noticed that I am using grammatically correct sentences within college essays and within my daily conversations. I had never used APA format, therefore, it has been difficult for me as a writer to overcome the MLA format that was taught to me as a student throughout my childhood. In addition, I think this class has helped me to get rid of the “bad habits” of writing that other professors would let slide by. As a future healthcare professional, I think this class has been very beneficial to my career. As I am working as a respiratory therapist I want to be able to write papers in a professional manner and the information to come naturally without having to worry about simple things like grammar or format to ruin it. I have really enjoyed the TED videos we have watched throughout the semester, they have put a new perspective on the way I view life. The discussion posts have taught me a lot about how research influence every aspect of the hospital including respiratory therapy. Therefore, it is crucial that I do my research and stay up to date on the new research as it is published in the field of my study. I think by doing research it allows a healthcare provider can provide the best possible care to the patient through training, knowledge, and

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