Concept analysis is the breakdown of a problem into pieces to figure out ways to form a conclusion on how to correct, or improve, the problem. This response reviews a concept analysis that looked at problems with successful breastfeeding. In the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing (JOGNN), Mulder (2006) identifies the four key elements of effective breastfeeding: “positioning, latch, sucking, and milk transfer” (p. 334) using the concept analysis by Walker and Avant. The method of analysis, steps of process, and results are applied to successful breastfeeding. Method The eight steps in concept analysis, according to Walker & Avant (2005), are: 1. Select a concept. 2. Determine the aims or purposes of analysis. 3. Identify the uses of the concept possible. 4. Determine the defining attributes. 5. Identify model case. 6. Identify borderline, related, contrary, invented, and illegitimate cases. 7. Identify antecedents and consequences. 8. Define empirical referents (p. 65). Mulder (2006) performed literature reviews to develop the defining attributes, model cases, antecedents and consequences, and empirical referents for effective breastfeeding. The eight steps for the concept analysis were fulfilled in the steps of the process. Steps of Process The literature reviews were collected from several accredited sources. “The CINAHL and Medline databases were searched for English articles using the keywords breastfeeding and effective, adequate, or successful” (Mulder, 2006, p. 333). The essential attributes were extracted, and defined, from the various literature reviews. Then the attributes were placed into three model cases. The cases consisted of a supporting, borderline, and a contrary case. The model cases po... ... middle of paper ... ...helped her baby at the same time. The positive results are twofold: happy baby, happy mother. Also, the affirmed need for further research brings forth ideas of how to accomplish that need. I could put a plan into action and achieve that goal in my practice setting. Integrating research into the practice of nursing is rewarding and helps to contribute to the advancement of education. Works Cited McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2011). Theoretical basis for nursing (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Mulder, P. J. (2006,). A concept analysis of effective breastfeeding. JOGNN: Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 35, 332-339. Walker, L.O., & Avant, K.C. (2005). Strategies for theory construction in nursing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Ziegler, S.M. (2005). Theory-driven nursing practice. (2nd Ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.
The article shortly summarizes new findings of a study published in the scholarly journal Social Science & Medicine, conducted by Assistant Professor of sociology at the Ohio State University Cynthia Colen. The Times Magazine article describes the research done by Colen as a longitudinal study using three populations of 8,237 children, 7,319 siblings and 1,773 paired siblings as its sample where one sibling was breast-fed while the other was not. Sifferlin stated there were eleven outcomes during the study used to determine the impact breast feeding had on the population. The eleven outcomes derived from prior research. The author of the article interpreted the findings of the study and the findings of previous studies of related topics.
Parker M. E., & Smith M. C. (2010). Nursing theories and nursing practice (3rd ed.).
Walker, L. O., & Avant, K. C. (1995). Strategies for theory construction in nursing (3rd ed.). Norwalk, CT:
Breast-feeding is when the mother feeds her child with the milk from her breast. Breast-fed babies normally eat between 8-12 times in a 24 hour period (Lindsay 150). According to Stuhldreher, “Before the eighteenth century, human milk was the only source for infant feeding. If a mother did not breast-feed, a woman called a wet nurse fed her baby” (Stuhldreher, Par.19). Starting in the nineteenth century a new mother was able to decide whether she wanted to breast-feed or feed her baby formula milk. If a mother is able to breast-feed, she should do so for the sake of her child and herself. Many studies show that breast-feeding is beneficial to both the mother and the child in many ways (Stuebe 156). Breast-feeding is an essential step for ensuring good health for the mother and her child.
Women do not breastfeed long enough. Although healthcare workers try to promote the breast method, many women do not continue with it. Breastfeeding does come with challenges; however, the phrase “breast is best” is the role of the nurse in conjunction with education. A mother a...
This essay will critically assess literature and research available on whether pacifier use has a negative impact on breastfeeding rates. It draws upon studies performed between 1997 and 2011. Usually, one should refer to studies undertaken within the last five years of a literature review, but a relatively small amount of research has been done on this subject in that time (and a larger amount was conducted before 2011).
Thorne, S. (2010). Theoretical Foundation of Nursing Practice. In P.A, Potter, A.G. Perry, J.C, Ross-Kerr, & M.J. Wood (Eds.). Canadian fundamentals of nursing (Revised 4th ed.). (pp.63-73). Toronto, ON: Elsevier.
Marriner-Tomey, A., & Alligood, M. R. (2006). Nursing theorists and their work. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby/Elsevier.
Breastfeeding provides a wide array of health benefits for both baby and mother, while simultaneously enhancing the bond between mom and her baby. Mothers who breastfeed have a lower risk of ovarian and pre-menopausal breast cancer. Their babies see a boost in cognitive development, as well as lowering their chances of being obese as adults, unlike formula fed babies. Consequently, a lower risk of obesity correlates to a lower incident of a wide array of comorbidities such as
Walker, L. O. & Avant, K. C. (2011). Strategies for theory construction in nursing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
McEwen, M., & Wills, E. (2011). Theoretical Basis for Nursing (3 ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Tomey, A.M., & Alligood, M.R. (2006). Nursing theorists and their work (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
Mother is considering breast feeding as an option, but is unsure of methods and benefits in comparison to bottle feeding. Is unsure about herself and whether or not she will be able to perform necessary tasks required to breast feed successfully.
Mothers who feel like they have successfully mastered the task of breastfeeding are associated with an increased duration of breastfeeding at six months (Kingston, Dennis, & Sword, 2007; McGarter-Spaulding & Gore, 2009; Wilheml, Rodehorst, Stepans, Hertzog, & Berens, 2008). However, Buxton et al. (1991) reported that mothers with low confidence related to their ability to breastfeed stop breastfeeding within the first week postpartum and were twice as likely to discontinue breastfeeding within 2 months compared to mothers who were more confident. One of the major decision factors causing mothers to discontinue breastfeeding is a deterioration and lack of breastfeeding confidence (Blyth, Creedy, Dennis, Moyle, Pratt, & Vries, 2002). I had empathized with the patient because she truly looked helpless and seemed to have a lack of confidence. For the short duration that her baby would latch on, the mother looked very happy with a radiant smile. You could tell she really wanted to breastfeed and tried really hard but she did not know the techniques to it and needed a lot of help and guidance but seemed quite shy to ask for help or to see if she was doing it