From Contemplation To Exercise: A Case Study Of Carl's Habits

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Carl’s Habits I believe Carl is in the transition from contemplation to preparation. The reason I have come to this conclusion, this is due to not having established an explicit workout or devised intended blueprint of how he will conduct physical activity or exercise. Even though he does exercise, he likes to consume energy drinks, which contains vitamins B12, B6, B3, caffeine, and taurine. As well, as eats a cocoa cereal, which is very high in iron but also very high in sugar content. In moderation, the good elements can outweigh the bad elements. Nevertheless, he also likes to stay up late and party with his friends. In addition, not to mention the long periods of studying, game playing, and computer time. Carl needs to sit down and figure out exactly what he would like to accomplish when conducting a workout plan. Carl needs to reduce his partying and staying up late with friends, and establishing a proper diet. The establishment of the plan would allow you to feel better, increase energy, and promote living longer. The benefits to proper sleep are increasing the way you feel, help with heart and weight, and improve your mind. With the eating of a proper diet, it increases a vast majority of items in your health. For example, you can improve your heart, bones, and teeth, increased levels of energy. Predicting if Carl is self-motivated, depends on his actions. In this case, you can tell by his initiative to be high in obtaining a rec center membership, his walking to and from class, workouts during the week, and his playing of flag football on the weekend. Carl’s barrier to overcome is not following set plans. the understanding of not establishing a specific workout routine, the less frequent trips to the recreation center, hi... ... middle of paper ... to assist with her deficiencies will greatly help increase her energy to help with the loss of her weight. Sally is in no way self-motivated to change her personal development towards exercise. The goal of weight lose that the physician has recommended to her, she has deliberately refused with the gaining of 2-5 pounds. With her development of type 2 diabetes, and the failure to control this disease will eventually lead to insulin injections for control of this problem. Also with the weight problem, will eventually come the disease of hypertension, which will also require medication to regulate this problem. I feel that her biggest challenge, is changing her mindset, she thinks that she is doing knowing wrong at all, but with the lack physical activity will produce further medical issues as well as her eventual death, which will not be beneficial to her family.

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