Essay On Nutrition And Dietetic Practice

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The process for nutrition and dietetic practice is a systematic approach which used for completing the nutrition assessment, diagnosis, intervention and monitoring/evaluation of patient.
Patient is a female, aged 65 years old who requires weight loss as GP referral reported. In order to assess her, anthropometric measurements were taken. She has a current weight of 135.5kg and her height is 1.55m.Consequently, she has a body mass index (BMI) of 56.4kg/m² and she is obese class II. According to her biochemical results all parameters are normal except raised glucose and TG. Clinical data obtained include her current, past medical history and medication. She is type 2 diabetic and obese. She has a past medical history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia and sleep apnoea. The medications she takes are glucophage for controlling blood sugar levels and salmeterol for treatment of asthma. Diet history of patient was taken by asking her recall the last 24 hours food and drink intake. Her estimated energy intake is about 2445kcal from which 44.3% from fat and 67g protein. Patient energy requirements calculated from Henry were (BMR) = (8.52W+421H+10.7)*PAL (1.4) =2022kcal/d. Total estimated energy requirements were 2022kcal per day. Protein requirements based on 75% of actual body weight was 101.6g protein per day. Total fluids requirements estimated using 25ml/kg adjusted body weight and is about 2293ml per day. Environmental data include that lives with her family and she does not exercise.
The nutritional diagnosis of patient is obesity, type 2 diabetes related to excessive energy, fat intake and low energy expenditure as evidence by diet and activity history, weight and BMI record and blood biochemistry. Then the plan of...

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...ed not only from oily fish but also by using seed oil for cooking and moderate consumption of nuts and seeds.

To conclude, patient with type 2 diabetes should first loose weight for having beneficial health effects. There is strong evidence that weight loss can improve insulin sensitivity and also lowers the triglyceride levels. In addition she should start exercise for loosing weight but also for controlling the blood sugar level. Another important aspect of treatment of the patient is education about carbohydrate counting and health benefits from weight loss. Regular review and monitoring of patient is crucial in order to examine whether she resulted in better health outcomes by the interventions followed. Also evaluation of patient situation is important for ensuring if she met the original outcomes and decide if any further interventions needed.

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