Forms of Collective/Manipulation States

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Forms of Collective/Manipulation States This going into look some collective/manipulation states, this powerful tools that can use create state mind. Each effect groups differently. Crowd manipulation use my group individuals to motivate a crowd. Collective behavior is simply people coming to hypnotic state mind motivate group. Collective consciousness state every individual being aware same object, belief, and ect. These are the three top ones that I focus on. Crows manipulation, collective behavior , collective consciousness, and collective effervescence. Why is collective behavior a power tool? When a group minds become one in a group and there's no sign of the individual that's mind. This powerful tool can lead to chaos destroying everything it's path. This tool been use all through history when powerful figures fell to the ground. What reasons people join into collective behavior ? It could be because the individual like chaos, collective behavior is best way to survive or it's just happens even if individual doesn't necessarily wants it to. All these are probably true for different individual. If collective behavior powerful tool how can utilize it for good purpose instead of chaotic ones. Figuring way to control when collective behavior happens, could teach us about how emerging starts. Collective behavior is less organized but effective forms of behavior that happens spontaneously. Le Bron's contagion theory crowds have trance over the members by emerging group mind. Collective behavior reaction to event that takes place. Such as example when radio announced invasion aliens the crowd took over chaos become motivation in group. Collective behavior is push everyone towards common purpose. With hypnotic state of th... ... middle of paper ... ... this collective states come together make on super energy. Remember that all these collective state are power tools that need to be handle correctly for the greater good. Finally since sociology keeps changing as more social experiments get more on information on all the theories in the future. Reference Page Collective Behavior and Social Movements. (n.d.).Collective Behavior and Social Movements. Retrieved May 30, 2014, from (2006).TEDTalks: Sir Ken Robinson--Do Schools Kill Creativity? United Kingdom: TED. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (n.d.).Durkheim, Emile . Retrieved May 29, 2014, from Field Guide to Housing Theory. (2013, July 24).Contagion Theory -. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from

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