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When we use verbal and non verbal communication
Summary on verbal and non verbal communication
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Social influence refers to the effects of the presence of others on the way people think, feel, and behave (Kowalski & Westen, 2011, p.686). Human interaction is grounded in verbal and non-verbal communication which can have a huge impact on the people we interact with every day. When people conform to those around them, they tend to combine together into one body, and they become compliant to an authority figure. Sometimes this will get to the point where an authority figure will give a command, and the group will obey without question. Non-verbal and verbal communication allows humans to interact, conform, and obey each other, as well as their superiors. Human interaction can be broken down into two basic fundamentals, non-verbal and verbal communication. Non-verbal communication can include everything from how a person looks, walks, and acts to their body language. People often form immediate first impressions based on these things alone, before that person ever opens their mouth to speak (Hockenbury & Hockenbury, 2008). Verbal communication can influence this impression and …show more content…
Large groups of people are subject to a phenomenon known as groupthink which is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome (Hockenbury & Hockenbury, 2008). The responsibility that comes with wielding that much power over a group of people can be heady and needs to be taken seriously for the simple fact that it can be abused. Lack of responsibility is easy to see as multiple examples are spread throughout history; Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin are great examples of abuse of power, but Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandi exemplify how this responsibility can be used for the greater good as
Life is a constant battle between people and society. Influence plays a great role in society because it helps people define themselves. It causes a great impact on the way people live and how they interact with society. When one does not conform to the norms of society, be it via appearance or political affiliation; the individual runs the risk of not being accepted into the surrounding society.
First impressions are created by a composite of signals given off by a new experience (Flora, 2004). The judgment of these impressions depends on the observer and the person being observed (Flora, 2004). When you meet someone for the first time it takes about three seconds to be evaluated by the observer (Mind Tools, 1996-2011,). During this time the person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance, your body language, your demeanor, and how you dress (Mind Tools, 2996-2011,). Impressions are important to us because they are impossible to be reserved and the set the tone for all the relationships that follow (Mind Tools, 1996-2011).
Cialdini, Robert B, & Trost, Melanie R. (1998). Social Influence: Social Norms, Conformity, & Compliance. Interpersonal Phenomena. Retrieved from: angel.elmira.edu/section/default.asp?id=w114_PSY3010_01.
People interact with other humans every day, whether it be in a group or individual setting. When people interact with others, it can be a good or bad experience. While at work, school, or even home, people are in constant contact with each other in some form. When we are children, our friends and family influence us. As we age, our peers continue to influence us. Social influence is studying how people are affected by interacting with each other and is an interesting part of what makes us unique (Matlin, 2013). In order to understand social influence, it needs to be looked at in three main categories: conformity, compliance, and obedience. Conformity, compliance, and obedience are important factors to understanding social influence.
Social influence is way any individuals change their behavior based on someone else behavior. Pronin et.al (2007) conclude how people tend to conform for a number of reasons such as to people they look up to or peers they do not personally know (Pronin et. al, 2007). In the scenario, the way the other members acted upon the situation caused the local official to act different about the idea.
Nonverbal communication is rich in meaning. Everyone communicates through nonverbal gestures and motions. I realized that you can decipher a lot from an individual or individuals by just paying close attention to what they do, and that words are not really necessary. Watching two people interacting, I figured that they are really close by their space communication, eye language, and body movements.
Any communication interaction involves two major components in terms of how people are perceived: verbal, or what words are spoken and nonverbal, the cues such as facial expressions, posture, verbal intonations, and other body gestures. Many people believe it is their words that convey the primary messages but it is really their nonverbal cues. The hypothesis for this research paper was: facial expressions directly impact how a person is perceived. A brief literature search confirmed this hypothesis.
The world, as of the 21st century, is increasingly becoming an interconnected, interrelated social place in which avoidance of human interaction is near impossible. From telephone calls to advertising billboards, communication is ubiquitous. Communication essentially refers to the generation and receiving of messages across a variety of contexts, channels, media, and cultures. This complex interaction is composed of both verbal and non-verbal interactions. Verbal language is defined as the use of sounds and language to communicate a message and thus accents, dialects, and languages all fall under this “verbal code.” Its counterpart, non-verbal language, is communication through a host of nonlinguistic methods, including physical appearance, kinesics, and olfactics.
During the course of one’s lifespan we learn, develop and grow. Within our life’s we will learn to understand that in reality we are influenced, demanded and obeying rules. Social psychology believes that social influence has a strong sway on influences of one’s lifestyle. Inside the field of psychology, Social psychology includes a large field of knowledge around social influence.The following topic in social psychology looks at how individual thoughts, actions and feelings are influenced by social groups. Throughout the following essay, I will be discussing in my opinion one of the most interesting topic related to social psychology: social influence and its three relations to normative social influence, informative
Social influence may mean following a leader, reacting simultaneously and identically with other investors in response to new information, or imitation of others who are either directly observed or observed indirectly through the media. Social influence appears to be strongest when an individual feels uncertain and finds no directly applicable earlier personal experience. As Hirshleifer (2001) points out, people have a tendency to conform to the judgments and behaviors of others. People may follow others without any may stampede.
People around an individual will always try to influence them in a particular direction. They will attempt to dictate on how the individual should conduct their lives; the dictations could be direct or indirect. The direct influence is whereby one has to conduct their lives based on the set social rules and regulations. In the indirect influence, one is just expected to flow with the prevailing social norms and values of a group of a people. What follows from all the influences is called social conformity. An overwhelmed person has to change their behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs just to fit within a group. However, it is not a must for one to conform to the social expectations, but some are too weak to stand up against social conformity. Therefore, the role of social conformity is to control a person, but an individual can always resist and live as they wish.
Good communication is an essentialvalue for successful relationships, whether personal or professional. Many researchers have stated that most of our communication is non-verbal. Non-verbal communication includes body language, facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, posture, and the tone of our voice. The ability to understand and use non-verbal communication is great skills that will help individualsconnect with others, when trying express feelings, handlingdifficultsituations and creating relationships with other in various places.Non-verbal communication is the body way of sending messages between people. These messages can be sent through emotions, gestures, engagement, voice tone, posture, and clothing.
Social influence is one person’s (or group’s) influence on another. The Holocaust is an "extreme form of physical destruction and can be considered the ultimate degree of social influence ." Groups are defined as two or more participants. Groups can be powerful forces shaping our feelings, judgments and behaviors (Baron, Kerr, & Miller, 1992). Cohesion of a group effects the group functioning by...
...tention to how people react to one another’s comments, guessing the relationship between the people and guessing how each feels about what is being said. This can inform individuals to better understand the use of body language when conversing with other people. It is also important to take into account individual differences. Different cultures use different non-verbal gestures. Frequently, when observing these gestures alone the observer can get the wrong impression, for instance, the listener can subconsciously cross their arms. This does not mean that they are bored or annoyed with the speaker; it can be a gesture that they are comfortable with. Viewing gestures as a whole will prevent these misunderstandings. Non-verbal gestures are not only physical, for example; the tone of voice addressing a child will be different from the way it is addressed to an adult.
I learned a lot about Human Communication in this class when I read the chapter about Nonverbal Communication. Nonverbal Communication is the process of using messages that are not words to generate meaning. I learned that it happens every day. I also learned that is very hard to read or understand depending on the person you are speaking to or with. Verbal and Nonverbal codes work in conjunction with each other. The words we speak or say are used in conjunction six different ways: to repeat, to emphasize, to complement, to contradict, to substitute, and to regulate. I never knew until reading this chapter that we do these things all most every time we communicate. These are things I took for granted until now. I now know that I will pay