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Derek Sivers gave a brief TED talk entitled “How to start a movement” that is a great example of how important followers are and how they make or break a leader. In his presentation, he discusses the importance of the first follower in launching a movement. The premise is that while a leader may have the courage to stand alone it is the first follower that attracts others to join the organization and stand behind a leader. Followers typically have less authority and influence than their boss does. Followership, however, relates to the role those followers have in supporting the boss and the organization. Interestingly, while not everyone is a leader, every leader is a follower and answerable to someone whether that is a superior officer, a board of directors, or in the case of the United States President, the American people. The best leaders are also truly adept followers. The concept of followership states that good followers understand their leader’s goals and objectives, the pressures he faces, what his strengths and weaknesses are, and perhaps most critically where his blind ...

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