First Impressions

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Dalai Lama said “Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent.” (Dalai Lama, n.d.) Some people are of the belief that first impressions are lasting and hard to overcome if they are bad. As a leader a person can’t judge solely on the basis of a first impression nor can they ignore them. A lot can be gathered from first impressions and that knowledge should be kept while obtaining a better understanding of that individual. In the class example an extroverted and introverted scenario of John was given. Let’s explore how first impressions strike people, take a look at how the picture of John changed from one reading to the next. Lastly, looking to see if the picture of John in the mind’s eye changed if the scenarios were read in a different order, introvert to extrovert? First Impressions As individuals many of us hold onto that first impression of a person, whether it is good or bad. By holding onto those first impressions a skewed view of an individual may be seen. This could be the case if the firstimpression of the individual was bad. The individual could be doing great things after that first impression but the view holder can’t see it because he or she has the skewed view. The individual could have been just having a “bad day”. Something to always keep in mind is one can never know what is going on behind the closed door of an individual’s home so don’t make assumptions that everything is okay. Everyone has bumps in the road and can cause us to have those “bad days” and sometimes leniency or understanding that we are all not perfect can go a long way. In a Forbes magazine article titled “Seven Seconds to Make... ... middle of paper ... It also takes getting to know someone before drawing conclusions about that individual. As seen with John, there is more than one side to a person and one must get to know all sides. Henrik Ibsen said “A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed.” (Ibsen n.d Brainy Quotes). Works Cited Goman, Carol Kinsey. 13 Feb 2013. Seven Second to Make a First Impression. Retreived from impression/ Ibsen, Henrik. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2013, from Web site: Lama, Dalai. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2013, from Web site:

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