Ferris State University Job Application Essay Sample

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When I graduated from Ferris State University with my Bachelors degree in Healthcare Systems Administration, I had high hopes that I would be able to find a job in the health field. Everyone had always told me that a healthcare job was a sure thing. They were always hiring. After nearly a year of post-graduation unemployment, I began to understand that I had been a little naive about the job market. It was difficult for new graduates to get employed. I learned a lot while I was studying at Ferris State but none of the skills I learned there could be obviously translated into technical skills in the workforce, unlike engineering or nursing. It took me almost a year to get a job offer as a permanent employee in the health field. It was an entry-level position at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, working in patient services in their radiology department. The position was often monotonous and unchallenging, not taking advantage of any of the skills I had acquired in college. It was frustrating to be burdened by the heavy weight of student loans for what felt like a useless degree in a position that …show more content…

Studying there was fulfilling but it was while I was in Grand Rapids that I began working as an inpatient unit secretary at one of the Spectrum Health hospitals. At the radiology department, I usually worked with healthy outpatients who came in for MRIs for lumbago or headaches. At Spectrum Health, I saw patients with complex medical conditions who were frequently admitted for recurring illnesses. I saw the dependency that care providers had on medical records, especially for patients who were unable to give their own health histories. I saw the struggles of what happened without all those records. In this position, I saw all the complicated and intertwined cogs of healthcare that I had not before. It was then that I realized maybe I’d been a little too quick to give up on the healthcare field as a career

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