Family Values In Jhumpa Lahiri's 'Namesake'

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She conveys a moral to the migrating Indians in their pursuit of material wealth. She asserts that in Change of place or locality one must preserve the philosophical maturity of his native culture and tradition without which life becomes solipsistic. The theme of the novel is cultural but the tone is functionally ethical. “Namesake” seems to be autobiographical where Ashima is Jhumpa herself, though life situations may not be similar exactly. Jhumpa Lahiri with her three works has created history. It is not necessary for these women to argue that marriage in itself is a social good; equality is the social good towards which they are working. Having access to it has not prevented heterosexuals from challenging traditional marriage; there is no reason to think that it will have this effect on lesbians and gay men. Lesbian feminists will continue to support a radical and democratic vision of family values that will include legal options to support chosen gender and sexual relational rights such as civil unions, domestic partnerships etc. where they are open to all. Ultimately the goal ...

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