Family Event Research Paper

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Family Event & Response When I was three years old my father was involved in a work accident, falling a complete story from a suspension bridge in a refrigerated goods packing facility. My mother was at home with me, waiting for my father to return from work so that she may leave for her graveyard shift at another factory. The phone rang and she answered it expecting to be her sister, but it was my dad’s place of work notifying my mother of the accident, she didn’t speak much English but she knew that they had said my father’s name and the name of a hospital she would pass by when exploring the city with my father. My mother took me without explaining anything, and took me and her brother Osvaldo to the hospital. There, they learned that my …show more content…

It was already closing time at the factory, where a new shift were to come in. My father had been working in that factory for a year and after 6 months of working there he came in with a new identity, he had finally achieved his United States Citizenship status. He had been working in the company illegally for 6 months, using a fake social security card. Everyone was aware of it, because there were many workers doing the same thing in the 90s, it was a “don’t ask, don’t tell” kind of mindset but with citizen status. My father never came forward with his new accomplishment in dear he would lose his job for bringing a new identity and admitting to lying on company documents. Because of this, he and many other illegal immigrants in the company were treated poorly and at times were put to do the most hazardous work or they wouldn’t be paid for the week. The employers found these employees dispensable and at times when they didn’t have money to pay the workers for their hours, they would call immigration services to have them all arrested in their work place. Even if a Hispanic person was a legalized citizen, he/she were treated just as badly and were ostracized by the company’s management. These workers were never paid overtime, nor were they allowed to take a full lunch break. My father was pushed to cross the suspension bridge, which was in poor condition, with a load much too heavy for the bridge regulations as a way to receive his end of the week paycheck. My father did as he was told and then the rest was history as the bridge broke and he

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