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Essays on peoples definition of success
The meaning of success
Essays on peoples definition of success
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The definition of success is different in the minds of every individual on this planet. Some believe success is fame and fortune, while others believe success is peace and happiness. Whatever the definition may be, everyone strives to obtain their definition of success. Success and perfection are encoded in our DNA, and has been prevalent in our various cultures since the beginning of human history. This is pronounced when looking back at societies like Rome, or time periods like the Renaissance, where success and perfection was viewed together as one rather than separate. My definition of success is a combination between fame and fortune and peace and happiness. I like to have balance in my life, and too much fame, fortune, peace, and happiness, …show more content…
I do not wish to be inconvenienced with overwhelming fame, however, I would not mind getting recognition for accomplishments I have achieved. I do not require lavish wealth, a giant mansion, or five golden Lamborghinis, but only life without having financial stresses. Extreme wealth can make an individual paranoid, constantly questioning, “are people just using me for my money,” and, “how am I going to protect my money?” Total peace can also be unfavorable. Anyone who is at total peace currently is either ignorant or careless. No matter what situation anyone is in, they have stressors, whether economic, political, or family. Happiness too, is not good when it comes to absolutes. People who have absolute happiness are either phonies or have a psychological disorder. I believe that someone who is always happy, cannot have obtained success, because of the lack of failure that is shown in the individual. Failure is quintessential when it comes to having success, and then being able to get back up to continue your pursuit of success. All four of these contributors; fame, fortune, peace, and happiness; provide what is necessary for me to have success in the future. While my definition of success has not changed throughout this course, I have more tools to further enhance my chances for …show more content…
I have rescheduled my time, maximized my schooling, learned to believe in myself and what I want to achieve, and make healthy and wise choices when it comes to college decisions. Although I was skeptical about taking this required course when I learned of it when I failed my math entrance exam, I am now glad that I had taken this course. I believe most of the topics that we have talked about will benefit me positively in the future. Because of this class I have become a better writer and have acquired the skills necessary for
Success can be an extremely broad subject. There is an abounding amount of different views on what the “true” definition of success is. Personally, I believe that success is finding happiness. Success is waking up in the morning and not having to worry about whether or not the bills are going to be paid this month. Success is having a job that you enjoy going to every day. Success is having friends and family who love and support you. Success does not mean that one has to be exceedingly rich or have a lakeside mansion. As long as they are happy, they have succeeded in life.
During my first semester of college, I felt like this course overshadowed all the others. I faced many challenges, gained better habits, and even increased the value of myself as a scholar. Not only did my professor provide her students with the course material she built a confidence inside of us that will allow us to be able to tackle any task, especially pertaining to any written compositions. The things that I have learned from this course could and will be applied to any and everything I do from here on out, whether that writing an essay or even taking a test. Again, the journey was long, but I will be forever grateful for the things that I, and all of my peers have gained from this
Success is not earning a fat juicy check at the end of each month, or being a part of a large social group filled with fraudulent people that appear as familiar faces. But it is a person discovering him or herself after they had been lost and establishing a sense of purpose that makes them fills them with a warm glowing sense of accomplishment. Success does not have one transparent definition, it has various meanings depending on what success means to the individual trying to achieve it. Success is surviving.
This class was far more intense than what I expected but I was able to make it through the semester. I learned a lot from this class that I will carry into the future and use in other classes. All of the revision and feedback I have received during the time in the class helped me in the end. I feel like I am gradually becoming a better writer. I will take everything that I have learned in this class and use it for future reference when writing papers. I overall have enjoyed this class this semester.
My Growth as a Writer Most of us write in some form every day, so you would expect that most of us would be well practiced and pretty good at writing. I read and write all the time; I have taken several college courses and nearly all of them require writing in some form. However, before taking this class, not only was I not a good writer, I knew I wasn’t a good writer. Now I am not saying that I am ready to write my first novel, but I am certainly more confident in turning in my college papers. The content of this course and the style of teaching was incredibly beneficial to me.
With college right around the corner and taking a college course gave a real sense of how college classes are going to work giving me an edge over all of the other students going to college that didn’t take a dual enrollment course. Dual enrollment was honestly one of the best decisions I made in my academic career because like what I was saying this class taught me the inner workings of how most assignment are going to be turned in, what it means to be self-reliant/ on your own have no help with assignment from your parents, experiencing a course that only a handful of assignment rather than a ton of assignment ends up making up over eighty percent of your grade (getting you to work extra hard so you won’t fail) and finally that you have to actually interact with the professor/teacher if you need help or are having trouble with an
Success is within the mind of the individual. A large portion of ones life is spent working to become successful. People are told throughout childhood to work hard so they can grow up and make lots of money. But success takes many different forms. Different people have different interpretations of what success means to them. For some, success is measured by social status and wealth; for others success is determined only by the amount of happiness one feels.
Every person aspires to have a good and comfortable life. A good education, a good job, a house, a car and a great family are what most people use to define happiness. Having a degree of respect or praise in a person’s social circles, great achievements and successes are very important to some people. Some would go to unimaginable levels to acquire wealth such as corruption, murder, drugs, prostitution and weapons; all for the sake of getting rich. To most people, having wealth is equated to being happy.
The true definition of success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. Although, many people have different perceptions of success. Success is judged by the individuals themselves. Success can be defined in many ways including: wealth, happiness, fame, etc. Success can be anything from material goods to concepts. It all depends on your concept and how you achieve your goals. You have to have persistence within yourself. Varying on your profession, you will need a certain skill level. Your definition of success can be suitable best for you, but not for others. It is about truly not giving up, reaching your full potential, and self-fulfillment.
Is there someone you know that is wealthy and prominent? Do they demonstrate the characteristics of a successful person in today’s society? Media today has effectively convinced our society into accepting an untrue, even possibly hazardous definition of success. Even though Webster’s dictionary defines success as “achieving wealth, respect, and fame,” the definition of success is different for everyone. Society wants us to accept that having money, having big house, and owning multiple cars is the key to happiness, and henceforth, success. This is a lie; success is not having a large amount of money nor does it have to deal with fame.
During this class, I realized that in order to succeed I need to put effort into studying and retaining important information that I am prompted with. Now, I try to focus in class, take adequate notes for information that I do not know, and do all my work as soon as possible without procrastinating. In doing this, I have greatly improved my
Looking back to the beginning of my first semester and going to this class for the first time wasn’t what I think now about the class. In the beginning I didn’t think we would learn that much since we meet just two times a week. Now that we are done with the class I think that I have taken a lot away from it. It was probably the most helpful class to help with the transition to college, to figure out how everything works. My peer mentors really helped and their advice is really good because they have been in our shoes.
Happiness, what is it, and why do we strive to achieve it so persistently? Happiness in some points of view is portrayed as the state that is derived from self-awareness of a benefiting action or moment taking place. What of the moments that are not beneficial? Can a person still find moments of happiness and success in discord, a little glimmer of light shining from the deep recesses of our own consciousness? Plucking it from a mere moment, achieved from money, or is it so much more, happiness is the precipice that all strive to gain to better perceive their success. As a person lives, they are in a constant struggle to be happy. For instance, even the United States Constitution makes reference to the idea that every person has the inalienable right to pursue happiness. This was the resulting outcome of the enlightenment from France, spilling out into the rest of the world from 1650 through 1800. This revolutionized the idea that every single person has the inalienable right to happiness or in different views the right to succeed. As to how one peruses or conjures their happiness that is an entirely different concept and completely up to their preferred preference, but it is something that a person needs to find on their own for true success.
Success may be defined in many ways by many people. According to Oxford English Dictionary, it is, “the prosperous achievement of something attempted.”(“Success”). That is, if one achieve his/her desire or goals, it would be considered as his/her success. But it is true that the definition and explanation varies according to the eye of beholder. Generally, Success means fulfilling the goals that you set for your life. For some, success may be money, big house and a luxury car. However, for others, success may be the happiness they feel after achieving their goal. I personally feel, success is not what is accomplished, but what is felt from
Success takes many different definitions. People have different interpretations of what success really means. For me is as simple as: living well and laughing often. The idea of living well is a very broad statement. Living well, in my opinion is getting success in personal, social and professional life. If I can achieve all of these three levels of success, I believe that I have lived well.