Factors Affect Respiration

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Factors effecting respiration

Factors effecting respiration
There are several factors that affect respiration
Here are a few examples;

Cigarettes and nicotine
Carbon monoxide

These factors affect metabolic pathways in terms of how efficiently aerobic respiration can proceed.


Different classes of drugs have various effects on the body. They can affect ventilation and breathing rate, thus having a knock-on effect on cellular respiration.
Depressants- slow brain activity and slow breathing rate. This affects oxygen intake which will affect the body’s ability to aerobically respire.
Hallucinogens- alter what we see and what we perceive as reality but the drug itself …show more content…

Asbestos materials were widely used in construction in the past because they’re strong durable and fire-resistant. If you inhale minerals containing asbestos fibers macrophages that usually break down foreign particles release substances to destroy the asbestos fibers, but these substances cause damage to the alveoli in your lungs that cause permanent scarring. The alveoli are the gas exchange surface in the lungs to deliver the oxygen needed for cellular respiration and to remove the carbon dioxide released during cellular respiration. If they become damaged this will eventually influence the rate of respiration. Asbestosis can lead to lung cancer and can be …show more content…

The Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations were amended in 1993 to enforce the substitution of any material containing asbestos, as far as it was possible.
Just one year before the end of the 20th century, a 1999 ruling saw the complete prohibition of the use and import of chrysotile, which was still being used as late as the 1980s and 1990s in construction materials and certain products.
Past the second millenium, in 2002 the “duty to manage” policy was introduced to provided further protection against asbestos exposure in the workplace. A year later, in 2003 the Asbestos (Licensing) Regulations were again amended to ensure the relevant authority would be notified of the details of any asbestos work which required a license, at least 14 days prior to work

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