Exploring How New Media Have Blurred The Lines Between Media Consumers And Producers?

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Contextual and Theoretical Studies
2. ‘Critically discuss how new media have blurred the lines between media consumers and producers’ or ‘why do we over-consume’. Critically discuss with reference to relevant theory

Why Do We Over-Consume?
Steven Kong

The simple question “Why do we over-consume?” will never be the question society will ask itself, mainly because it has become part of being human.
Society in the early stages had basic and non-effective ways of gathering resources, so those who were able to produce enough for themselves and their family flourished through evolution because of this, we, as human beings, never developed a trait which limited consumption. One of human natures greatest need is to acquire a mate, (Penn and Mysterud) argues that for male gender ‘resource control is likely to be more important’ when acquiring a partner. Meaning without the proper social status and resources, you will not have the best choice in finding a mate. A great example of this is birds, some birds would go through a great deal of energy to express their colour...

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