Explain Why Kids Should Not Be Paid For Outstanding Grades Essay

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“I’ll study for 5 dollars.” That can be a child’s answer if they are being continued to be paid for outstanding grades. Schools should stop paying children for outstanding grades before it gets out of hand. Children aren’t truly learning, they’re just going to school for money instead of the education. The 3 reasons that students should NOT be paid for outstanding grades are, one, bribery is downright dangerous. Two, it takes away the natural desire to learn from children. Three, it takes away the fuzzy feeling of a child’s drive for success is considerably more crucial than money. Paying children for outstanding grades is not an outstanding idea since bribery is dangerous, it takes way the natural desire of learning from children, and it also takes away the fuzzy feeling of success; a child’s drive for success is furthermore crucial than money. …show more content…

One quote from Beth Kobliner from the Huffingpost is, “At worse, bribery is downright dangerous.” This leads to a child being expected to earn money just to rise from bed, do their homework, study, etc. When they grow up, they too will attempt to bribe people or their way out of things. Schools have taught them this. The effect of this is that a child will be expected to be paid to do everything. Obviously, bribery is dangerous. Secondly, students should not be paid for outstanding grades since it takes away kids’ natural desire to learn. One quote from research by Edward Deci and others this, “Most children are motivated to learn. Promise of external rewards dampened.” This leads to children not enjoying learning, merely just for the money. The effect of this is that children won’t learn, only caring for money. To sum up, it takes away the natural desire to

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