Explain Why Fast Food Should Not Be Allowed In Schools

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Fast food should not be allowed in schools. Although fast food may have good qualities it also has a lot of bad qualities. There are many reasons why fast food should not be allowed in schools.
First of all, fast food is very unhealthy and bad for young children's health. Fast food usually has a lot of grease which is unhealthy and is bad to eat. Fast food can also lead to high blood pressure which is again is very bad for you. Which damages your brain's blood vessels which can lead to a stroke. It also makes your cholesterol high. Which can narrow down your arteries which makes it harder for your blood to flow.
Second, Fast food can lead to weight gain which is not good for students. If a child gains too much weight it can lead to obesity which no one wants. Also gaining weight can lead to stress which is not good because it can weaken your immune system. Worst of all, gaining weight can lead to death which is very serious and bad. …show more content…

If fast food is not vegan or vegetarian some kids may not be able to eat it. With this, kids at school not being able to eat there they also might not be able to bring their own lunch which can lead to them not eating which can make them starve themselves.
In conclusion, fast food is bad for students in general so it should definitely should not be allowed in schools to eat. This is why fast food should not be allowed in

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