Experimental Psychology

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Research Paper Requirement For this research requirement I chose three different experiments to examine thoroughly. The first of these experiments came from the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. The study done in this journal was an examination of orthographic learning and self-teaching in a bilingual and biliterate context. The aim of the study was to figure out the advantages and/or disadvantages of a student learning a native language when they are either monolingual, bilingual, or biliterate, and the study was focused on learning English because this is the most commonly learned non-native language in the world. The method for this experiment consisted of taking a sample of 88 sixth-grade children that came from socioeconomically middle-ranked elementary schools in northern Israel. There were three groups of children. The first group was made up of 31 Russian-Hebrew speaking biliterates. The second group comprised of 16 Russian-Hebrew speaking bilinguals but with only very basic knowledge of the Russian alphabet. The third group was a group of 41 monolingual Hebrew-speaking children. These three groups were then asked to complete three different tasks. The first was to repeat and segment 20 different words (5 consonant-vowel-consonant, 5 CCVC, 5 CVCC, and 5 CCVCC) and two overall scores were administered to the participants. Both scores were out of a maximum of 20 points; the first score was based on giving 1 point for each correctly analyzed word, and the second score was based on giving 1 point for correctly analyzing medial vowels. The next task these groups were asked to complete was to test the children’s ability to self-teach. Two sessions were conducted. The first session took place a week before the sec... ... middle of paper ... ...n (2014): 1-7. Print. Elliot, Andrew J., Jessica L. Tracy, Adam D. Pazda, and Alec T. Bealll. "Red Enhances Women's Attractiveness to Men: First Evidence Suggesting Universality." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (2013): n. pag. Web. 09 Mar. 2014. Schwartz, Mila, Janina Kahn-Horwitz, and David L. Share. "Orthographic Learning and Self-teaching in a Bilingual and Biliterate Context." Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 117 (2014): 45-58. Print. URL’s for Articles Placebo Effect Article: http://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/features/xlm-a0035546.pdf Red Effect Article: http://ubc-emotionlab.ca/wp-content/files_mf/elliotetaljesp2013.pdf Orthographic Learning Article: http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0022096513001720/1-s2.0-S0022096513001720-main.pdf?_tid=31784cf0-aa43-11e3-81c0-00000aacb35f&acdnat=1394669312_9aa27c5ed94bfa9a83b458e814e7053f

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