Research Paper Requirement For this research requirement I chose three different experiments to examine thoroughly. The first of these experiments came from the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. The study done in this journal was an examination of orthographic learning and self-teaching in a bilingual and biliterate context. The aim of the study was to figure out the advantages and/or disadvantages of a student learning a native language when they are either monolingual, bilingual, or biliterate, and the study was focused on learning English because this is the most commonly learned non-native language in the world. The method for this experiment consisted of taking a sample of 88 sixth-grade children that came from socioeconomically middle-ranked elementary schools in northern Israel. There were three groups of children. The first group was made up of 31 Russian-Hebrew speaking biliterates. The second group comprised of 16 Russian-Hebrew speaking bilinguals but with only very basic knowledge of the Russian alphabet. The third group was a group of 41 monolingual Hebrew-speaking children. These three groups were then asked to complete three different tasks. The first was to repeat and segment 20 different words (5 consonant-vowel-consonant, 5 CCVC, 5 CVCC, and 5 CCVCC) and two overall scores were administered to the participants. Both scores were out of a maximum of 20 points; the first score was based on giving 1 point for each correctly analyzed word, and the second score was based on giving 1 point for correctly analyzing medial vowels. The next task these groups were asked to complete was to test the children’s ability to self-teach. Two sessions were conducted. The first session took place a week before the sec... ... middle of paper ... ...n (2014): 1-7. Print. Elliot, Andrew J., Jessica L. Tracy, Adam D. Pazda, and Alec T. Bealll. "Red Enhances Women's Attractiveness to Men: First Evidence Suggesting Universality." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (2013): n. pag. Web. 09 Mar. 2014. Schwartz, Mila, Janina Kahn-Horwitz, and David L. Share. "Orthographic Learning and Self-teaching in a Bilingual and Biliterate Context." Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 117 (2014): 45-58. Print. URL’s for Articles Placebo Effect Article: Red Effect Article: Orthographic Learning Article:
It is important to maintain children’s home language as it may help them learn and understand a second language. Barratt-Pugh (2000) discusses the benefits of bilingualism and maintaining it through early childhood settings, also mentions the concerns families have for their children maintaining two languages through schooling. Research within the article states that children who speak more than one language will have a higher level of understanding literacy content, form, genre, as well as understand the differences and translating within both languages. This demonstrates a contrast of strengths and experiences with literacy (linguist...
To test the romantic red effect, Elliot et al conducted five experiments. For experiment 3, the researchers conducted a self-report study where participants reported their level of attraction using a rating scale. The researchers operationalized the independent variable of the red and gray conditions as changing the background colors behind female photos and operationalized the dependent variable of attraction as the participant’s rating of the women. The result of experiment 3 was that men viewed women as more attractive on a red background than a
Naturally, bilingualism needs to be taught from birth to be most effective, yet schools ignore this (Meisel).Moving right along, our current teaching methods take some amount of inspiration from ancient romans teaching greek in schools, ways that are extremely outdated (Porter). Much research is focused primarily on bilingual learners who have grown up bilingual, and exclude children who had only begun learning their second language in school (Meisel). Usually, the fears of the people directly involved in bilingual education are ignored by researchers of the subject (Meisel). In Byers-Heinlein’s article they state “A one-person-one-language approach is neither necessary nor sufficient for successful bilingual acquisition,” but later proclaims “In situations where each parent spends equal time with a child, one-parent-one-language can be a great way to ensure equal exposure” (Byers-Heinlein). Generally, the teachers who disagree with the current method of bilingual education are often afraid to speak out because they will be labeled racists, haters of foreign languages, and critics of immigrants (Porter). Moreover, despite the various differing opinions present in the communities of bilingual educators, debates on whether to keep it are not tolerated (Porter). Although, the difficulty with which current bilingual education would be changed would provide one of the few legitimate incentives for teachers to advocate their system; they don’t want to put in the effort to do so (Porter). As a matter of fact, ethnic education politics are one of the only reasons that the current methods are not already abandoned (Porter). Finally, “The case for the effectiveness of Transitional Bilingual Education is so weak that
The debate over whether to have the bilingual education maintained in the school system has never stopped since the first practice of the bilingual education in the United States. There were people support the bilingual education, and also have people against the bilingual education. The supporters are argued the bilingual education is necessary to help the non-native students to learn the English while also encourage them to maintain their native language, because the knowledge of two languages will benefited a lot for their future, and they will be more competitive than others. While the others said the bilingual education is not a good way to help the non-native speakers to learn the English effectively because it focuses too much on their native language and failed to teach the English to them. ?Research speaks of increasing numbers of students i...
Bio-Psychologists study the principles of biology as it relates to the comprehension of psychology in the field neuroscience that underlies ones emotions, ideology, and actions (Brittanica). Based upon the conduction of research, the relationship between the brain and ones behavior extends to the physiological process in one’s intellect. Scientists are cognizant that neurotransmitters function as a significant role in mood regulation and other aspects of psychological problems including depression and anxiety. A biological perspective are relevant to psychology in three techniques including: the comparative method, physiology, and the investigation of inheritance (Saul Mc. Leod).
Saunders, G (1988). Bilingual Children From Birth to Teens. 2nd ed. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd. p xii.
All students in a developmental bilingual program share one mother tongue and are learning the same L2. However, this isn't always as consistent as it sounds. Some students may be recent immigrants, while others know the L2 better than the L1. Typically, 90% of instruction is in the target language in Kindergarten and 1st grade. The target language increases to 50% of the instruction throughout the elementary years. These programs have showed to be highly effective. Language minority students who are instructed in both languages score better on reading tests than students instructed only in the target language.
Byers-Heinlein, K., & Lew-Williams, C. (2013). Bilingualism in the Early Years: What the Science Says. Editorial Staff, 95.
In the popular press article titled “The Science of Dating: Wear Red” Professor Andrew Elliot makes the claim that the reason the color red increases attraction in human males towards females is due to biological impulses and cultural influences (Luscombe, 2010). The professor makes the claim that societal use of red to symbolize sexuality, lust and passion influences how we perceive the color. Additionally, Professor Andrew claims that primal biological impulses influence how we perceive the color due to the fact that from an evolutionary perspective, a red rear end symbolizes that the female is in heat (Luscombe, 2010. After reading the original scientific article, which the popular press article was based on, I choose to reject the claim that the
Fouzder, N. B., & Markwick, A. W. (2000). Self-perception, individual learning style and academic achievement by a pair of bilingual twins in a secondary school. International Journal of Science Education, 22(6), 583-601. doi:10.1080/095006900289688
116). Nieto argues bilingual education is necessary for students to know success and educators should see bilingualism as an asset upon which to build further success. Acknowledging bilingualism is common in elsewhere, she maintains the same should be true in America (p. 112-116). Though she cited studies supporting her position, she failed to note studies supporting language immersion as an effective educational tool. In 1986, the Defense Language Institute (DLI) commissioned a study comparing two means of language instruction. According to Bush (1986), the suggestopedia method evaluated attempted to recreate, as much as possible, the childhood experience of learning languages. The traditional DLI method was full immersion with emphasis on functions, contents, and accuracy components of language mastery (p. 17-18). The study concluded suggestopedia students scored significantly lower than students taught more traditionally after 15 weeks (p. 27). These studies demonstrate that learning a second language is more complex than many argue and that different methods are necessary. Equally important are costs of bilingual programs. My school
Also, by calling an interpreter each time for the kid, does not help him or her to learn English faster. He or she will not make any effort since he or she knows that somebody will come to help them. According to Aimee Chin’s article “Impact of bilingual education on student achievement” bilingual education isolates limited English efficient students from students who are fluent in English, which may have social and scholarly effects. Since some guideline is in the native language, bilingual education students get fewer introductions to English at school than students who do everything in English. This may postpone and weaken acquisition of English language skills, which could thus influence the scholarly tracks they can seek later. (pg 1) Thus, the program of bilingual education doesn 't allow the kid to learn well the new language because he or she will be attach to his native language or a little bit dependent of it and that can affect his vocabulary and grammar development because this will bring a lot of confusing in his mind and the kid will tend to mix his native language word with the new one. It is also difficult for a kid who does not speak the new language to socialize with peer since their vocabulary and grammar are
"One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way." This quote by psycholinguist Frank Smith metaphorically portrays the added benefits of being bilingual, causing an enhancement of knowledge aiding in taking steps forward in education especially in our American school systems. Recent studies have given crucial information regarding the advantages of learning two languages. Learners of a dual language are known to be more academically well rounded than their monolingual peers, leading bilingual learners to a path of success giving an edge over the people around them. Along with the added benefits in the classroom, dual language has known to give students tools that can be used in the real world such as using bilingual language as a tool for
Psycholinguistics is the study of the relationships between linguistic, or language, behavior, and psychological processes. Diane Poulin-Dubois stated that “children are exposed to their languages in different environments so they may encounter specific items in a context where only one language is used. This decreases the number of words the children learn in each language”(Francois Grosjean Ph.D.). When comparing the full vocabulary count of these children (taking into account both languages) it was not different to the vocabulary of the monolinguals, but when looking at a single language, their vocabulary was smaller in the bilinguals than in the monolinguals (Francois Grosjean
There are a varying views on bilingualism and how it affects children with speech disorders. Although, there is not much research done on the topic and there has not been a consensus on how to go through therapy with these kids. This paper will analyze academic sources on this topic and their views on what should be done.