Examples Of Persuasive Speech Against Animal Testing

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Good Evening to my lecturer Dr Lim and my fellow friends.
Before I start my speech, I would like to show to all of you some pictures of a woman named Jacqueline Traide who was forced to be a subject of a test. She was forced to eat and drink on time and had to bear the pain when some chemical liquid was dropped into her eyes. Her skin was smothered in lotion and potions. Then, her hair was shaved off and abraded in order for the lotion to absorb in the skin. After the experiment they threw away her body as they did not need her anymore.

For your information, this was a gimmick conducted at Lush's Regent St store, a well-known cosmetic company in Britain that protested against animal testing. Somewhere else in the world, perhaps in a laboratory …show more content…

I have done a lot of research regarding animal testing. Most of the information are from the website of organizations that ban animal testing such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal (PETA).
Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation or animal research. It is the use of non-human animals in experiments that seek to control the variables that affect the behaviour or biological system under study. The example of the research include breeding, defense research, and toxicology, including cosmetics testing.

So now that you know the definition of animal testing, let’s move on to the reason why we need to stop the use of animals as test subject. Although animal testing is important to ensure human safety, it is a cruel procedure towards animals. The first reason is, there are millions of animals die per year due to animal testing. It’s unethical to sentence millions of animals which have thoughts and feelings to death in a laboratory cage and intentionally cause them to feel pain, loneliness, and fear. Based on the statistics from Animal Welfare Act, guinea pigs are the highest common species used in human research in 2015 (172,864) followed by rabbits (138,348), hamsters (98,420), non-human primates (61,950), dogs (61,101), pigs (46,477), farm animal such as chicken and cattle (27,786), cats (19,932), sheep (10,678) and lastly, other animal …show more content…

Lastly, animal testing should not be conducted because physiology of non-human animals are different from human body. The Food and Drug Administration explained that 90% 0f the drug that passed animal tests failed in human tests. Dr. Richard Klausner, the former director of the National Cancer Institute explained that the history of cancer research has been a history of curing cancer in the mouse. They have cured mice of cancer for decades but it simply did not work in humans.
So what should you do to stop this problem? There are many ways to stop the cruelty to millions of the helpless animals. The first way is you should stop buying products from a company that uses animals as their test subjects. These are the list of companies that still conduct animal testing. You can make your own non-animal tested household products. For example, you can use honey and coffee to make a face mask and use virgin coconut oil as a makeup remover and

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