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Why should animal testing stop
Reasons why animal testing should be stopped? essays
Reasons why animal testing should be stopped? essays
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Should Animal Testing be Allowed? Introduction Every year, thousands of animals are tormented, and then die during the animal experiments. Another fact is from Vivisection Information Network, there is a rough estimate from the European Union that 10.5 million vertebrate animals were used in animal experiments, which is 28,800 per day or one every three seconds. Around 18.5 million animals were used in the USA per year (Updated). Also, there are still a large amount of animals that have not been registered. Even though there are disadvantages and disagreement in using of animal experiment, there is also some evidences show that animal experiment is inevitable for the future progress, and the human beings would not have greater life quality without animal testing. According to Ian Murnaghan’ articles, “Organizations Against Animal Testing,” “Using Animals for Testing: Pros Versus Cons,” and “Replacing Animal Tests with Stem Cells.” He believes that animal testing should not be allowed for several reasons; there is an alternative for animal testing, there is a quite different effect between animal’s bodies and human being, and it’s inhuman, cruel, and immoral. In contrast, Veronique Vos’s article “Animal Testing Should Always be allowed!” and Stefan Lovgren’s article …show more content…
The researchers used DNA sequencing from a male chimpanzee’s blood to present the genomes; it is most closely aligned with humans. This event can explain farther how feasible the animal testing is, and explain the reaction of using animals on testing is just related the DNA sequencing, not about the environment (Lovgren 2005). There are no absolutely things on experiment. Scientists use different animal model and repeated experiments to get surest data that is the best way to test a new product before put it in
The information that animals have provided scientists over the past decades has changed society, and is still changing society for the better. Millions of lives have been saved with the use of animal testing and many more will be saved with continued research. However, there are many who dismiss this monumental achievement completely and oppose the use of animals in laboratory research. Though many find this practice to be
Animals are used as a part of experimentations in order to accomplish new openings. A few individuals think that it is satisfactory, while others contend that it is not moral to sacrifice animals for science. Estimated, that fifty to one hundred million of animals are used for tests in the world. Despite the significance of experiments, the quantity of animals and purpose of research are not under any control. Animals testing should be banned under a few circumstances; we can enhance the situation by using alternative ways such as replacement, reduction, and refinement according to International Society for Applied Ethology.
Sadly according to the Humane Society International (HSI) article About Animal Testing “in the United states alone around 26 million animals are tested each year for medical and commercial research” (HSI) even though animal testing is not required to ensure that the cosmetic being sold are safe. From those 26 million animals being tested most are not protected by the federal Animal Welfare Act. The animal welfare act does not include birds, rats and mice bred for research, and it doesn’t include cold-blooded animals. Animals testing should be banned because the animals tested suffer immensely, also animal tested is unethical, and because there are many alternatives.
Since ancient times, animals have been the subjects of medical and safety testing. But only relatively recently has discontent been expressed by large numbers of people. Referred to as animal rights activists, this displeasured community condemns all animal use in medical, product testing, and research experiments despite the beneficiary outcomes because they firmly believe that interfering with another living creature’s life is immorally and ethically wrong. One individual who sides with the activists is named Jamie Aronson. Having earned a Ph.D from the University of Massachusetts located in Boston, Aronson affirms that “animals do not have a voice in our society.” Opposing Aronson is the duo of Patricia George and professor of State University
Every year millions of animals are abused, injured, and hurt. It seems as if humans are not very concerned about animal rights according to these statistics.. Animal rights is the idea that animals should not have to suffer and be able to be in possession of their life. Some people are willing to sacrifice things such as certain brands of makeup or certain kinds of food to improve animal welfare. For many years animals have been experimented on and placed in factory farms. Factory farming is a method of producing food products where the factories value how much they produce and how much they profit over the welfare of the animals. These farms keep animals confined in small spaces and make the animals eat things they were not originally
Every year, millions of animals are injured or killed in scientific experiments across the world. Those in favor of animal experimentation say they’re taking animals’ lives to save humans. But is it really necessary to subject animals to torturous conditions or painful experiments in the name of science? Is it ethical to destroy an animal’s life while simply testing lipstick or shampoo? Animal experimentation, like many of the issues we face today, is difficult to argue against, and just as hard to support, but it is necessary to continue this experimentation in order to advance human knowledge and to help save human lives.
“The question is not, can they reason, nor, can they talk. But can they suffer?” (Bentham). Each year over a hundred million animals endure a number of experiments in an attempt to make human lives easier. These experiments range from cosmetic testing to medical research, sadly neither of these tests are needed. Many people will accept animal research because they believe that these animals aren’t suffering (“Harm and Suffering”) or they believe that animal testing in beneficial to humans. In reality, these animals suffer for mankind, when the need does not exist. Animal testing creates unnecessary pain and suffering for animals, when in reality most experiments will not benefit human health.
"Eleonora", "Ligeia", "Berenice", and "Morella" are all tales of beautiful women who die, but they are hardly the same story. They contain many of the same elements and activities, but their genius comes in the unique and sometimes subtle differences and intense endings.
Today, millions of animals are being tested on for the use of human products, causing them to fall ill and die, leaving them no choice but to be experimented on. Animal abuse can be more than what meets the eye. Specifically, animal testing is a form of animal abuse and usually ends in death of a harmless animal. Some might say that there is no other way to test products, but due to the harm that is done and our advancements in science, animal testing should not be tolerated.
Every year in the UK alone 50-100 million mice, rats, fish, dogs, cats, non-human primates and countless other animals are test and experiment subjects. Introduced in the 19th century animal experimentation is a new concept in the history of science and medicine. Back then it was only a few basic experiments on animals or humans. As history progressed and humans began discovering more and more about the functions of human body curiosity increased. This led to American scientists testing out new types of surgery and infecting slaves with malaria, typhus and jaundice.
Animal testing is the use of non-human animals for scientific experimentation. There are estimates that 50 to 100 million vertebrate animals worldwide, from zebra fish to on-human primates, are used annually. Much larger numbers of invertebrates are used even flies and worms are used as model organisms are very important, experiments on invertebrates are largely unregulated and not included in statistics. Animals are euthanized after being used in an experiment. Some of these animals are purpose-bred and others are caught in the wild or they are supplied by dealers who obtain them from auctions and pounds.
Animals have held an important spot in many of our lives. Some people look at animals as companions and others see them as a means of experimental research and medical advancement. With the interest to gain knowledge, physicians have dissected animals. The ethics of animal testing have always been questioned because humans do not want to think of animals on the same level as humans. Incapable of our thinking and unable to speak, animals do not deserve to be tested on by products and be conducted in experiments for our scientific improvement. Experimentation on animals is cruel, unfair, and does not have enough beneficial results to consider it essential.
Hundreds of millions of animals die every year from animal testing in the United States. Innocent animals are used everyday in laboratories for biology advancements, medical training, curiosity-driven experimentation, and chemical, drug, food, and cosmetic testing. They are used to provide information to make better products that are safe for human use. Although animal experimentation has some benefits, the negatives outweigh the positives. Animal testing is killing off innocent beings for the possible human benefit, and with modern technology, there are alternative ways to test products that leave animals unharmed.
Over 100 million animals are used in experiments; 95% of these animals end up dying. Animals are killed and mutilated for the sake of science. Some experiments can involve “blinding, severing of limbs, damaging brain, and ingesting various drugs.” (Coster,
In conclusion, animal testing is not only violated animals’ right but also are not the better ways in research. And the genes are different between animals and humans. Humans need to improve their ways to get the scientific experiences and forbid to animal testing in order to improve our life and animals’