Should Animal Testing Be Allowed Essay

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Should Animal Testing be Allowed? Introduction Every year, thousands of animals are tormented, and then die during the animal experiments. Another fact is from Vivisection Information Network, there is a rough estimate from the European Union that 10.5 million vertebrate animals were used in animal experiments, which is 28,800 per day or one every three seconds. Around 18.5 million animals were used in the USA per year (Updated). Also, there are still a large amount of animals that have not been registered. Even though there are disadvantages and disagreement in using of animal experiment, there is also some evidences show that animal experiment is inevitable for the future progress, and the human beings would not have greater life quality without animal testing. According to Ian Murnaghan’ articles, “Organizations Against Animal Testing,” “Using Animals for Testing: Pros Versus Cons,” and “Replacing Animal Tests with Stem Cells.” He believes that animal testing should not be allowed for several reasons; there is an alternative for animal testing, there is a quite different effect between animal’s bodies and human being, and it’s inhuman, cruel, and immoral. In contrast, Veronique Vos’s article “Animal Testing Should Always be allowed!” and Stefan Lovgren’s article …show more content…

The researchers used DNA sequencing from a male chimpanzee’s blood to present the genomes; it is most closely aligned with humans. This event can explain farther how feasible the animal testing is, and explain the reaction of using animals on testing is just related the DNA sequencing, not about the environment (Lovgren 2005). There are no absolutely things on experiment. Scientists use different animal model and repeated experiments to get surest data that is the best way to test a new product before put it in

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