Animal Testing is one of the most horrible things you could do to an animal. When an animal is tested you could cause it to become crippled for the rest of its life whether they make it blind or even making it to become paralyzed you could even cause extreme pain or death.
Some animals that are tested on are being abused and not getting their fare treatment of social activities and some of the people testing them aren’t even being fed and if some animals miss behave the people with inject poison into one of the animals they’re testing on and will kill them and don’t really care because they can always just go get more.
Think about this the medicine you use every day has killed a sweet loving dog that you could have adopted so when you buy some prescribed medicine you have basically bought something that could of killed 10 maybe 15 dog in the testing of making that medicine.
Many drug administers reports that 92 out of every 100 drugs that pass animal tests fail in people so we are killing animals just so we can get medicine and drugs that don’t even work for us so why even test the animals if we are going to fail when the drug and medicine passes the animals test and it’s pretty obvious that animals has quality’s like us but they’re not exactly like us like how pigs have the same type of skin like material that we have but it’s not exactly the same as our skin so just because they make a skin lotion that works on pigs it doesn’t mean that it going to work exactly the same way that it worked on the pig it might even killed you or give you a skin disease so basically there is no reason to use animals for testing because it might not even work for us even though it worked for th...
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... why do it on some poor animal that hasn't done anything? They should use prisoners who have been convicted of murder or rape instead. So, rather than seeing if perfume irritates a bunny rabbit's eyes, they should throw it in Charles Manson's eyes and ask him if it hurts.”(Ellen DeGeneres)
“The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality.”(Arthur Schopenhauer)
“I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.”( Leonardo da Vinci)
“I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being.”( Abraham Lincoln)
Everyday, tons of innocent animals lose their life because of animal testing. The animals have no choice. Also, they suffer extremely. Animal testing is bad and should be banned to alleviate the torture of animals, prevent illnesses in the animals, and prove that it doesn’t always work the same on humans as it did on animals.
What if the skin doesn't react.? They kill the animal anyways because they say that if they tested another product on it, and the product reacted, it could just be reacting to the other product that was tested first on the skin. Animal testing. It causes unnecessary pain to hundreds of animals. It is a waste of life.
Animal testing is very cruel experiments conducted on animals to see if a product would be safe to use on humans. These animals are held in cages and are kept there until the scientists figure out which kind of experiment they want to put the animal under. It should seem that this is considered animal abuse but sense the government does it then it is okay. However, it is not okay that innocent animals are held captive and injected among other things, only to see if a product is safe or not and the results can often be fatal.
One word comes to mind when I think of animal testing: cruel. Animal testing has been a subject of debate for many years. While most people think that using animals to test products is a reasonable approach, in reality the outcome does not always show how the products will react on humans, and the animals suffer unnecessarily. The United States needs to ban all animal testing like the European Union did because testing on animals is cruel and animals should not be dying from it.
One of the largest controversies involving the testing on animals is the harm that is inflicted on them. Proof lies in the many leaked photographs showing the horrific pain that has been forced onto beings that cannot speak for themselves. A test called Lethal Dose 50%, or LD50, is a test to assess cosmetics such as lipstick, nail polish, skin care products, and others. This can leave the rabbits, dogs, mice, or other unfortunate animals left crippled with severe untreated chemical burns. During the assessment of the product the animals are force...
Throughout history, animal testing has played an important role in leading to new discoveries and human benefit. However, what many people forget are the great numbers of animals that have suffered serious harm during the process of animal testing. Animal testing is the use of animals in biological, medical, and psychological studies. The development and enhancement of medical research has been based on the testing of animals. There are many questions being asked if animal research is good or not or if the benefit for us is way greater the abuse of animals. Doing tests on animals can help find ways to cure diseases, but testing on them is wrong. Although we want to find cures for diseases to help many people, testing on animals not only brutally hurts them but it also denies the animals the rights they have.
Not only do we have other options for these tests, but animals testing has actually been proven to be ineffective. Companies claim that this sort of cruelty will benefit the human population by testing the “safety” of the products, as they have been for hundreds of years and although this may have been helpful in the past, scientists have discovered otherwise. “While funding for animal experimentation and the number of animals tested on continues to increase, the United States still ranks 49th in the world in life expectancy and second worst in infant mortality in the developed world” (“Animal Testing Is”). This evidence shows that while we still continue to support and spend money on animal testing, it is not working as well as we thought.Essentially we are torturing the animals for a negative outcome, both for the human and the animal. The Food and Drug Administration reports that “92 out of every 100 drugs that pass animal tests fail in humans” (“Top Five Reasons”). If the products and drugs that we are testing on the animals are not working then there is no use in harming a harmless animal for them. Some may disagree and say that animal testing has enabled us to develop many life saving treatments for both humans and animals. But in reality there has been more cons then pros in animal testing. For example, “Animal tests on the arthritis drug Vioxx showed that it had a protective effect on the hearts of mice, yet the drug went on to cause more than 27,000 heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths before being pulled from the market” (Should Animals Be). While animal testing has enabled us to create great products it is usually ineffective on humans and leads to animals being harmed for no
Mercer argues that animals have no capacity to tell What is right and what is wrong like humans do and they cannot be accounted for their actions either. The purpose of this article is to inform the general public that animals are to be treated with passion by humans, but not to the extent of giving them the same rights as humans as Animal Rights activists claim. Throughout the whole article Mercer forcefully argues that animals activists are too extreme and also provides real-life tragedies of the insane Animal Right advocates being killed by
While some may argue that animal testing is helpful because it will make medical breakthroughs, and not to mention it will save many of people that have been touched by a disease, sickness or illness. It is more true that during these breakthroughs animals will suffer and die. These innocent animals are abused and through the test will become weaker. Some evidence to prove this is that millions of animals are encaged and are abused for testing. Meanwhile the conductors do nothing about it and let these animals suffer
Many people may not realize that the majority of products in their own home have been tested on animals; from lipstick and shampoo to dish soap and foot powder. Even the white ink on an M&M has been tested on animals. To some, this statement may be alarming and even disturbing – to others it may not mean much at all. Either way, the debate over animal testing has gained much popularity in recent decades.
This because their structure and cells are so different. In the United States alone 106,000 people die and 2.1 million are hospitalized from horrible side affects they got from taking medicine. This medicine was advertised as safe because it was successfully tested on animals. People are dying because while these tests worked on animals, they are not safe for humans to use. In fact, 92% of drugs passed by animal tests fail when they are first tested on humans (33 Reasons Why Animal Testing in Pointless). This shows that animal testing does not help find cures, or save lives, but ends up making other innocent people and animals die. In addition, only 1.16% of human illnesses are ever seen in animals, but we still test a large percentage on them. Why would we test animals if we cannot find the cure to over 98% of diseases, and the small percent we can test does not work on people (33 Reasons Why Animal Testing is Pointless; Murnaghan)? This proves that animal testing is a horrible thing to do, and it is even worse considering how rarely it actually
The first supporting reason is 87% of the animals that are tested are dying right on the testing table as said by The laboratories are killing the animals for many reason such as drugs and cosmetics in their system and when this happens they are so drugged up that they have decided they are done and kill you because they are drugged heavily. When the animals are on the testing table all they know is that they are being tested on and need to stay calm and when the drugs kick in that usually means that they are going to sleep and may not wake up because of those drugs that they have had or it didn’t go as planned and they do have to get a new animal they conduct the same exact experiment on the next animal. I have chosen this because the animals,are being used and used because of experiments and when they go bad they just try again because they need to prove a
Penicillin, a vital antibiotic for infection is toxic to ginea pigs. Animal testing isn’t reliable option for human medication or products. Animals have different genetic make up than humans. Mike Leavitt, The Health and Human Service Secretary, states “ Nine out of ten experimental drug fail in clinical studies because we cannot accurately predict how they will behave in people based on laboratory and animal studies.” (Animal Research is Unethical and Scientifically Unnecessary). Humans have obvious differenced than animals like physiology and anatomy. These differences are the reason drug testing on animals isn’t equal when medication or product is used in a human trial. Pfizer reported in 2004 that they “wasted more than $2 billion over the past decade on drugs that “failed in advanced human testing or, in a few instances, were forced off the market, because of liver toxicity problems” (Animal Research is Unethical and Scientifically Unnecessary). Some drugs have caused serious and unexpected health problems even after they were tested on animals. Animal
In recent years, many companies have been experiencing a lot of backlash for testing products on animals. The testing isn't just on mice or pests either, products can be tested on house animals like dogs and cats. Also the testing is not controlled, so the animals can be basically tortured .While testing has made a lot of discoveries in science, testing can be very cruel to the animals, it can cause serious harm and death to the animals.
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” - Mahatma Ghandi